Chapter 2

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     Hailkit gained more confidence ever since her dream two moons prior. She though never told anyone, knowing that they would think she was crazy. After all, who would believe a kit?

But today was not the day to worry about the dream, it was her apprentice ceremony. She glanced back, looking at her mother who sat so proud at her kits. She knew this was a bitter-sweet time for her. Her father had been killed in a raid by Mountain Clan the day of her birth. She knew her mother was feeling guilty that her father, Streampelt would not be there physically to see his kits get apprenticed.

Swiftstar emerged from her cave, carved out on the side of the mountain they lived on. Her black, shiny coat glittered in the late summer sun. Her deputy and brother, Roughclaw, sat below the rock, looking at the kits.

She padded up to the meeting rock and proudly mewed to announce the official starting ceremony of the kits becoming apprentices.

"Cats of Snow Clan. With the loss of many of our warriors six moons prior from the battle with Mountain Clan, it is a blessing from Star Clan to see three more kits grow up to become warriors.

Sweetkit, Runningkit and Hailkit have reached the age of six moons and it is time for them to be apprenticed.

Sweetkit, from this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Sweetpaw."

Swiftstar flicked her tail "Songfur, you have longed for an apprentice for some time. You will mentor Sweetpaw. I hope that your wise hunting skills will imprint on this kit."

Songfur, a long whiskered she-cat, stood up from her spot and walked up to Sweetpaw. She touched her nose to hers and sat down next to Sweetpaw.

"Runningkit, From this day forward until you revive your warrior name, you will be known as Runningpaw," Swiftstar began. She looked right at Bluetail "Bluetail, you trained Petalwish so well I would like for you to mentor with young tom."

"With pleasure Swiftstar" the handsome white tom replied.

He padded over and touched noses with Runningpaw and sat down.

Swiftstar looked over at Hailkit.

"And finally, Hailkit, from this day forward until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Hailpaw," Swiftstar continued. She paused for some time before finally speaking again "Mintpool, I hope that your wise thoughts and impressions pass on to this kit. Mentor her until the day she becomes a warrior."

The pale gray tom stood up, nodding his head. He walked up and looked down at Hailpaw. He touched noses with her and quietly said, "Your father would be proud of you kit."


The cats dispersed and Ambernose raced up to her kits. She started licking Sweetpaw furiously before moving on to Runningpaw and then Hailpaw.

"Oh, I am so proud of you kits!" she cooed.

"You should be, they have their father in them," Mintpool said walking up to Ambernose. Runningpaw and Sweetpaw left and joined up with their mentors, excitedly and greeted them.

Ambernose nodded "thank you Mintpool" Ambernose turned to Hailpaw "you remember Mintpool, right?"

"He was dad's littermate," Hailpaw said.

Mintpool lowered his voice "he was one of the finest deputy's this clan has ever seen."

Hailkit looked at Mintpool "More so than Roughclaw?"

Mintpool nodded "yes."

Rockstream yowled loudly, catching Mintpool's attention.

"Morning Patrol" He muttered. He turned to Hailpaw "Hailpaw, we must leave now."

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