Chapter 3

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     Hailpaw licked her sore paw. Who knew that battle training would be so hard? Well, it didn't help that she managed to crash land into a pile of thorns and scrap up her paw bad enough for her to spend the night with Birdwing. The tom neatly organized his herbs. Hailpaw knew not to bother him during this process of his. He was a very particular cat on how they were arranged. It was often the joke around the clan about his obsession. He turned around and placed some more cobwebs on her bleeding wound.

"Press on your wound again with these," he said.

Hailpaw followed his instructions and pressed down. She was a little confused on why she had to fix herself up but that was just Birdwing's way of doing things. He moved his mint leaves to the opposite side of the room right next to the marigold.

"How did you get injured again?" he asked.

"I crashed into a dead thorn bush," Hailpaw said sheepishly.

Birdwing looked at her "A thorn bush? Where were you?"

"Over by Meadow Clan's border," Hailpaw said.

He picked up some dock and padded toward her "This'll sting" He managed to say through the herbs. Hailpaw removed the cobwebs just in time for a shooting pain to jolt through her. She yowled, sinking her claws into the ground.

"It's not that painful kit" Birdwing grumbled.

Hailpaw tried not to say anything, not that she could in the first place with bitter pain leaving her almost paralyzed. Birdwing growled, seeing Ambernose enter into his den.

"Ambernose, she's not a kit anymore" He hissed.

"I know," she said, "but I am just concerned about her health, especially since the gathering is tonight."

Birdwing rolled his eyes "She'll be able to make it. It's not like she lost the leg."

Ambernose ignored Birdwing's comment and raced up to her kit "Are you alright Hailpaw? Mintpool told me what had happened."

"It's just a little scrap," Hailpaw said.

"Maybe you should have become a Medicine cat," Ambernose said.

"Thanks" Birdwing hissed, hearing the comment.

"Oh, you know what I mean Birdwing," Ambernose said.

Birdwing walked up to her, swishing his tail "you know, if I wanted an apprentice I would have chosen one."

"Are you saying that the kits we have now aren't to your liking?" Ambernose growled.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying" He snarled, unsheathing his claws "don't start a fight with me Ambernose."

Ambernose glanced down at the cat and growled "I'm not the hostile one."

Hailpaw struggled to stand up on her leg, still weak "I didn't mean to cause a problem-"

"It's not you kit now sit down and rest" Birdwing snapped.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Ambernose snarled, unsheathing her claws.

The two looked at each other, their bodies intense and ready to strike. Both of them flicked their tails back and forth irritated.

"Birdwing, Ambernose, break it up, you two" Rainclaw, a tail-less blue she-cat raced in "we can hear you all the way out in the elder's den!"

Birdwing looked at Rainclaw and sheathed his claws. He turned his back and focused back on his herbs. Ambernose raced out, huffing angrily as she left the den. Rainclaw frowned at the two. Hailpaw stood up on her leg, trying to walk on it.

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