Chapter 18

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     Hailstorm awoke early, hearing the screams and wails of a cat. Alarmed, she shot up out of her nest with a few other cats and raced outside. Her heart pounded, her lungs tightened. Was it Swankit?

Birdwing hissed at the group of four cats "Go back to bed, it's nothing!"

"Nothing?" Again the screech happened.

"It's none of your concern" He snapped.

"Is it Songfur?" Sweetbreeze asked.

"Yes, now go back to bed, she's just barely starting the first stages, it'll be a while" he grumbled.

All the cats groaned upset over the false alarm. They trudged back to their nests, except for Hailstorm who was watching Birdwing curiously.

"What?" he snapped.

"Do you need any help?" She asked, "with Swankit and Songfur-"

"I think I'll manage" he hissed. He trotted back to the nursery. Hailstorm frowned, watching the tiny tom headed back into the nursery.


Hailstorm was awakened by Sweetbreeze at her side. She yawned before looking at her excited ginger sister.

"How many?" Hailstorm asked.

"She hasn't had them yet but she's close," she said.

"Then why are you looking so excited?" Hailstorm asked.

"Because kits are an amazing thing to have in this world," She said.

"Yes, but with the rapid numbers we are running lower on prey," she said "and with the harshest of winter upon us, it's going to be difficult."

"We will always need the warriors though" Sweetbreeze persisted.

Hailstorm sat up from her nest "How's Swankit?"

"Getting stronger every day," Sweetbreeze said "she still isn't allowed to play with the other kits but she'll be able to soon."

"That's good."

Mintpool peered into the warrior den "Sweetbreeze, can I have your help with hunting patrol?"

"Sure" She perked up, looking at Mintpool.

The she-cat darted out of the den, leaving Hailstorm sitting there annoyed by her sister's comments. Mintpool looked at Hailstorm funny, his eyes scanning her almost suspicious before he left. Hailstorm blinked. What was wrong with him? She looked down at her fur. What her pelt dusty or that dirty? It didn't look like it to her. What did she do to deserve this look? Her heart thumped in her chest. Did he know?

Hailstorm walked out of the den, tired and hungry. Her stomach rumbled, looking at the barren Fresh-kill pile. The winter wind had settled down for the early morning but there was always a chance a blizzard would spark up and leave the clan almost completely stranded. She blinked, looking around camp. Everything was so calm and peaceful. Coalkit bounded out of the clearing with tiny Swankit following close behind. He spun around and tossed a mossy ball toward her. She froze in fear at first and ducked down, having the ball miss her head barely. Coalkit's tail dropped disappointed.

"You're supposed to toss it back," he said padding up to her.

"I-I'm sorry" She squeaked, crouching down.

"Here, watch me. This is how you do it" Coalkit crouched down and clumsily stalked the ball before pouncing on it. He sunk his little teeth into the mass and kicked it with his feet. Swankit watched him with inquisitive eyes, making sure to note every one of his movements in her head.

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