Chapter 14

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     Hailstorm waited in the warrior's den for news on Kinktail. She had gone into kittening too early and the whole clan was nervous. Especially for her first litter, this would be rough. Moonheart was in the nursery, trying to sooth his sister with her mate by her side and Birdwing. Hailstorm looked up at the stars glittering in the sky. All the other cats seemed to have gone to sleep but how could she sleep?

Even though it was moon high, there was no chance for her to sleep during a time like this. Sweetbreeze paced back and forth, swishing her tail as she walked. Oaktail groaned, trying to sleep.

"Sweetbreeze, relax, Birdwing is handling everything" He grumbled.

"How can I relax?" Sweetbreeze said "Kittinng never lasts this long. Something is wrong."

"Well then pace outside, I'm trying to get sleep," He growled.

Hailstorm nudged her head. The two headed out to the cold clearing and sat outside the nursery. Moonheart leaped out of the nursery, looking sorrowful.

"What's wrong?" Sweetbreeze asked, "Is everything fine?"

"She's had two so far, but one didn't make it" His voice cracked.

"How many more?"

"Moonheart!" Kintail screamed.

Moonheart quickly raced back in, Hailstorm and Sweetbreeze jumped and looked at each other. There was silence in the den. Hailstorm's heart thumped in her chest. Sweetbreeze was at the brink of tears. Birdwing came out of the den, holding a cold, limp kit in his mouth. He said nothing and took the kit right out of the den and to where the burial of cats was located at. Sweetbreeze looked at Hailstorm horrified.

"She lost a kit," Sweetbreeze said remorsefully.

"That's star clans will," Hailstorm said.

Sweetbreeze curled her tail around her, "But why? That kit could have been a wonderful addition to the clan!"

"Again, it's not our choice," Hailstorm said.

Birdwing came back, smelling heavily of Rosemary. He looked at the two she-cats, his eyes studying them carefully but not angrily.

"It was a tough litter to deliver," he said, "the first kit was dead, I don't know how much longer her third kit will do, it'll be touch and go for the next few sunrises."

"What about the second one?" Sweetbreeze said.

"The second one is as healthy as can be," he said. he bounded toward his den to grab some herbs.

"We need to go in," Sweetbreeze said. Without a second doubt, the two she-cats headed into the nursery. Kinktail was completely exhausted and Runningheart was furiously licking her fur to keep her awake. Two kits were nestled next to her stomach but not yet suckling like Hailstorm had seen Petalwish's kits do when they were first born.

The bigger kit was a hefty tom, blueish-grey just like his father. The tiny little she-cat was pure white with gray tipped ears but was huddled and shivering.

Birdwing came back into the den and tried to get Kinktail's strength up. She was able to get in a few breaths of air and fully awake to see her two kits.

"W-where's the third one?" She croaked.

"She didn't make it," Birdwing said, "Now you need to eat this, your milk needs to come in to feed these kits, especially the little she-kit."

"It's alright, they are beautiful Kinktail," Runningheart said.

Moonheart looked at the tiny she-kit "What are you going to do with the tiny she-kit?"

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