Chapter 23

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     Hailstorm watched as Hawkkit and Havenkit waited excitedly for Moonheart's return. He had promised them to bring them a squirrel to eat and the two couldn't have been more thrilled. Hailstorm gulped, only one day left till her kits were six moons old. And then a gathering right after. She knew Rosestar wouldn't dare announce the apprentices, well maybe Havenkit but defiantly not Hawkkit. She watched her daughter play with her brother, wondering if becoming a medicine cat would really suit the she-cat.

She was worried about who was to be Hawkkit's mentor. After Dustkit and Leafkit were apprenticed, there was a small limit of good cats that would treat the tom fair. It was going to be a difficult decision and Hailstorm prayed to Starclan that Mintpool of all cats would not mentor her son. He was an okay mentor but on top of his bully ways toward the half clan kit, it would destroy her son's confidence to become a warrior for Snow clan.

"They are going to be fine Hailstorm, you did a good job," Songfur said sitting next to Hailstorm.

"I just hope that who ever Hawkkit's mentor is will treat him fairly."

"Rosestar will choose the best," She said, "Are you worried about Havenkit's mentor too?"

Hailstorm flinched, knowing that she wasn't supposed to tell the clan that she already knew who Havenkit's mentor was to be. She nodded slowly.

"She will worry me..."

"But not as much as Hawkkit," Songfur said.

"He just looks so much like Mossystar," Hailstorm said.

"That still shouldn't determine a kit's worth by their looks," Songfur said, "it's sad to see that some of the clan still view this kit as a danger."

"Only until they become warriors will they no longer become threats" Hailstorm muttered.



Hailstorm pushed Hawkkit and Havenkit to the front of the rock and sat on the sidelines. Moonheart came up and sat next to her.

Rosestar beamed down at the two kits. Hawkkit struggled to sit still as he tried not to bounce up and down. Havenkit proudly puffed out her chest, awaiting for Rosestar's confirmation.

"I am pleased that Snowclan has gained so many apprentices these past couple of moons," She said, "and it is wonderful to see these two strong kits grow up and move on to their next stage of life."

"Hawkit, from this day forward until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Hawkpaw," She said, "Robintoe, You are a strong and noble cat and I hope you will carry on your values on to this cat."

Hailstorm looked at Robintoe, a little concerned but relieved it was not Mintpool.

Robintoe touched noses with Hawkpaw and sat down beside him. Rosestar looked over at Birdwing who gave a slight nod.

"Havenkit, from this day forward you will be known as Havenpaw," Rosestar said. She was silent for some time.  "Havenpaw, I have discussed with a special cat for your apprentice ship. Birdwing, are you sure you are ready for an apprentice?"

The clan was silent and all eyes were on the tiny tom cat.

Birdwing nodded "Yes."

Havenpaw smiled.

Rosestar looked down at the kit "Havenpaw, Do you accept the post of apprentice to Birdwing?"

"Yes," Havenpaw said delightedly with her mentor of choice.

"Then it is settled, you will go with Birdwing to the star stone to be accepted by Starclan as Snowclan's newest medicine cat."

Hailstorm purred proudly.

It took a moment for the clan to gather their mind around the new medicine cat apprentice before they cheered Hailstorm's kits names.


Hawkpaw immediately raced up to Robintoe, waiting to do any task. By the looks of Hawkpaw's face, he was to clean out the elder's den. The apprentice quickly headed to the elder's den to do his mentor's wishes.

Havenpaw bounded up to Birdwing, the two looking strikingly similar with their coat color and pattern.

"What do we do now?" Havenpaw asked.

"Rest. It's a long way to the Starstone" Birdwing said.

"Oh, okay," Havenpaw said, "So what kinds of things will I get to do?"

"You'll see, go get some rest and eat, I'll let you know when we leave," Birdwing told the kit.

Havenpaw nodded and slipped into the Medicine cat den. Hailstorm looked at Birdwing who gave her a nodding reassurance.

"Now the nursery is completely empty," Moonheart said.

Hailstorm looked over, his words ringing truth. No queen nor kits filled the once crowded nursery. All was quiet.

"I heard that Joyseed might be having another litter" Hailstorm said.

"She'll need it. Both of her kits are gone one way or another" Moonheart said, "Robintoe will be pleased."

Hailstorm nodded. The clan was sure growing. However, she wondered how long their prosperity would last.

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