I slowly pushed passed Daryl, who looked at me in curiosity but also it could have been him realizing I was there the whole time, "I think we should try it."

Shane looked over at me, a flicker of annoyance evident in his eyes but he didn't immediately say anything to me. What the hell is his problem with me, one second he possibly respects me and the next he hates me! "Look, I don't mean to sound rude, but this doesn't involve you. This involves the group only."

And there it is macho man.

"Oh I get it, "I said and let out a small laugh ready to respond as sarcastically as I could, "Sorry for rushing into camp when the walkers attacked and protecting everyone. I hadn't realized I needed to stay out of your damn business." Before any of them could say anything, I raised my hand motioning them to keep quiet, my glare on Shane, "next time I'll make sure to let you rot."

This seemed to infuriate Shane more while Glenn, Daryl, Dale and TDogg just found it very amusing. Shane wrapped his hand around his gun causing Rick to step in, pushing me behind him like a protective dad again before moving back to the subject of the CDC. "Shelter, Protection, Rescue."

"I know you want all those things, I do too ok? Now if they exist, they're at the army base in Fort Bedding."

"That's a hundred miles away." Hearing the girlish voice I looked up and made eye contact with Ricks wife, I still had yet to learn her name though I believe it started with an L? I could ask the little boy.

"It doesn't matter, all places with government protection got run over and we've all seen that!"

 "Still the CDC is our best shot, we should at least try."

I had tuned out the conversation at this point since it didn't involve me. Thanks to that though I noticed Daryl slowly turn to look at Jim who sat alone in worry. The group wasn't exactly discussing this quietly. I went around the group heading towards Jim in suspicion as Daryl slowly turned back to face Rick, "You can go look for asprin but imma take care of this right now!"

My eyes widened as I saw him back up in a rush and raise his pick axe to kill Jim, Rick ran over to stop Daryl but he had struck down already. I threw myself in front of Jim as I was close enough and I felt the axe pierce into my arm. Not that I could feel any pain to begin with.So no one would notice I quickly wrapped my cloak around the axe tip as I pulled it out. I made sure to wipe off any obvious blood, especially after hearing their No Tolerance For Walkers I had no doubt I wanted to remain a secret. "Daryl! You don't kill the living !"

He pulled back his pick axe in shock and tossed it on the floor. It seemed everyone finally realized that he had struck me, but I needed to ensure I could lie my way out of it. My eyes flickered over to the tip of the axe and I was immediately relieved. Good ,no blood evidence. "Why'd you do that! I coulda killed ya!"

I rolled my eyes as I stood up from my awkward crouch over Jim who seemed frozen in place from what I and Daryl had done. Rick pulled up his gun towards Daryl in case he tried to hurt Jim again meanwhile Grandpa Dale ran over to check on me, but I simply pushed him away. "I'm fine and we're going to the CDC to try and save Jim."

"I already said this doesn't involve you!"

"Fine then." I sent Shane a glare before focusing back on," Daryl!" Daryl quickly looked over at me confused to which I picked up the axe and stuck it back in his hands, then motioned over to scared out of his mind Jim, "Go ahead and kill Jim, since it doesn't involve me that means he should die since I got in the way. Right Shane? You're ok with Jim being killed in front of you, me almost being injured, so go ahead and off him Daryl. Now!"

"Put it down," Rick said it calmly as he placed his gun against Daryl's head even though I was the one who had handed it back to him. At this point he wasn't even interested in killing Jim. With a glare at Rick and a snark comment he tossed it on the ground again and walked over to my side. He grabbed my arm swearing mentally he'd seen it go into my arm but didn't notice any injury, thank the lords for black clothing concealing blood.

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