[ Special Chapter III ]

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Omg, it's been forever I'm so sorry. Please enjoy this special chapter as penance? There's a few more chapters or so left in this book! (But after I may or may not confine Yohime and Kise's story in a sequel...? Huhuhu)

In any case: I'll try to update more frequently from now on. (Well maybe from next week onwards cause I have tons of exams this week ><)


HQ!!xKNB Crossover 2

" Oya Oya Oya? "


She wasn't sure why she thought today would be a dull day. It was never a dull day when she was hanging around with Kise.

The weather was on the chilly side, yet surprisingly warm for winter in Tokyo. Global warming- obviously. Despite that, Kise was bundled up in a thick navy colored military-styled jacket with an oversized beige scarf wrapped several times around his neck. Yohime, on the other hand, was in a simple oversized Kaijou jacket (Kise's actually, which added to the 'doki doki's that plagued his heart) to protect her from the cold.

" How do you stand the cold, Nijicchi? I'm totally freezing-ssu. " Kise's words were muffled slightly due to face being half buried behind his scarf. Yohime shrugged.

" Nothing's colder than my heart. "

It was a Sunday but as usual, the basketball nut decided that he wanted to practice in preparation for " next year's Interhighs-ssu! " and dragged the manageress along with him to the gym- seeing Coach Takeuchi had passed her a set of spare keys for her own purposes (supervising Kise). However, when the pair reached the gym, they realized it was already in use.

" The Grand King 2.0!!! " A loud shout was heard before she even saw the orange haired first year. " The Grand King 2.0!!!! " He cried again, racing up to the entrance to greet the pair. Yohime wasn't sure if the sleep deprivation from catching up on her mountain of work was resulting in hallucinations... but she thought she saw sparkles in the shortie's eyes and glittering around him as he looked up at Kise with a wide-mouthed, wide-eyed awe.

" Oi! Hinata! Don't run off like that- " A familiar (bald) volleyball player with cropped hair ran after his underclassman with a half worried half annoyed expression before stopping dead before Yohime and Kise. Mirroring his orange haired teammate: " Kise Ryouta!! " He yelled with wide eyes and arched eyebrows.

" Oi! Hinata! Tanaka! You guys have way too much energy... " The one she remembered as the captain, and the gentle one with silver hair that she had pegged as the Mom™ of the team came up behind the two with wearied looks of parents (of many rambunctious children).

The athletic and (predominantly) tall boys kept multiplying out of nowhere around her (and Kise) which was starting to irk Yohime because all she ever wanted was a little R&R and a nice stress free time after the drama that was the Winter Cup and the hell that was tutoring Kise on the work he pushed aside because of the Winter Cup. But no. Tall as big ass trees and sports-obsessed boys just happen to be attracted to her in some sort of sick and twisted fashion- she was half sure some higher power wanted her to suffer.

" Oh! You guys from Miyagi! What are you doing here in Kanagawa? " Kise inquired, cocking his head to the side to look (down) at his familiar fellow sportsmen. Yohime, herself, took the time to survey the rather dull gymnasium and noted that there were a total of four volleyball teams- including Kaijou's own boys' team. Karasuno- in orange and black; Kaijou- in blue and white; a team in red (" Nekoma ") and a team in black and white (" Fukurodani ").

" We're having a quick match with Kaijou High's volleyball team. Preparation for Spring High. " Sugawara Koushi (#TeamMom) replied with a kind smile that could bloom flowers.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now