[ Special Chapter II ]

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HQ!xKnB Crossover

" The Grand King 2.0? "


" I told you we were going to wrong way! " Yohime glared, arms folded and teeth clenched. It might not have been apparent to Kise Ryouta, but being stranded in a small town somewhere in Miyagi was not what she expected when she left the house this morning.

Kise scratched the back of his head sheepishly at her rage. " You did? " Yohime felt her eyebrow twitch.

" At least twenty times, you peasant! "

Let's just say, that Kise Ryouta had inadvertently caused both of the first years to end up wandering aimlessly in some random school in a particularly small town in Miyagi, when both of them were supposed to be with the rest of the team at a joint practice match in another school that she suspected was in another town. Yet, Kise Ryouta was a) not panicked, b) not troubled, and c) wanted to look around. As demonstrated by:

" Look! A gym! Let's go in-ssu! "

Yohime pulled a face. " What on earth for? " She asked in a dull tone. Kise shrugged.

" Maybe whoever is in there would know where Aobajousai is? "

Yohime rolled her eyes but nodded begrudgingly anyways. " Fine, " she relented, " but you are the one explaining to Kasamatsu-senpai about our tardiness. " She wasn't going down with the sinking ship that was Kise Ryouta.

While he had shuddered, Kise had more or less brushed off the pain that the back of his head (and back) associated with his senpai, the blond had plodded forward and slid open the metal door gingerly. " Hello? " He called in a curious tone. " Anyone in here? "

" No shit there are people in here. " Yohime scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Kise pouted. " Mean-ssu! "

Yohime ignored him in favor of surveying her surroundings. It seemed as if they had interrupted the practice of the team that resides within the gym. Karasuno High School's Boys Volleyball Team. The many boys within, clad in practice gear and knee pads, had paused in their motions (the volleyball they were passing around lying ignored), turning their attention to the two "outsiders".

There was a moment or two of pure silence where the two parties surveyed each other before someone on Karasuno (that was the school's name, right?) looked Kise up and down before- " Hey... aren't you that Kise Ryouta? " The silver haired one asked. " You were in Sports Youth last month. "

" Hey! Hey! You're that Zunon Boy model! " An apparently loud one with the cropped hair yelled (earning himself some strange looks). It was rare when a boy knew of models (male models) and which magazine they modeled for just by name. Though, neither Yohime nor Kise had comments until...

" The Grand King 2.0! " The ginger child screamed, jumping about five feet in the air and pointing at Kise with eyes wide and burning.

" The Grand King 2.0? "

" The Grand King 2.0? "

Both Yohime and Kise had parroted the short ginger, though their tones varied. He sounded smug. She sounded like it was the stupidest thing she had ever heard.

" The Grand King of what? Stupidity? " She followed up, earning herself a deep pout and whine of displeasure from the model. (Yohime didn't miss how the ginger midget, freckled cowlick and the blond giant doubled over trying to contain their laughter- perhaps they didn't like this 'Grand King'?)

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora