「 四 」

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「 四 」 How'd we end up here?

Despite her intra-self protests, Yohime had found herself standing outside Kaijou's very expensive gymnasium.

She berated herself over and over in her mind, Yohime stood still as she weighed her options.

Enter or leave?
Curiosity or pride?
Hope or Doubt?

She didn't have enough time to come to a conclusion before her train of thought rudely interrupted. 

" This place is really big, so I thought I'd come and get you! "

Her eyes widening at the familiar all too cheerful and utterly fake voice.

Quickly ducking away and scurrying through the doors leading the viewing platform, she made sure to keep her head down and her identity concealed. Yohime would sooner gnaw off her arm than stand the shame should Kise yell and wave at her as he did when greeting his so-called opponents. Out of sight, her pride could be salvaged yet.

Making it to the viewing level, she flipped the hood of her black hoodie up and waited for the other team to enter the gym, repeatedly asking herself again and again why exactly she was there. Though in that time, Yohime noticed something almost immediately.

' Half court? ' Yohime observed, unimpressed. ' How rude. '

Apparently, Seirin thought so too.

There was an utterly unamused and honestly annoyed expression on the guest team as the realization that they were being thought of as a side show sunk in. Yohime herself was annoyed at the lack of respect— and she was from Kaijou herself. She was so utterly embarrassed.

From the panicked expression on Kise's face, it was obvious that she wasn't the only one.

" I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I'll be on the bench! " Kise exclaimed rushing up to the other team once his coach was done disrespecting them, though after he sent a few furtive whispers Seirin's way, his playfulness and airy nature melted away.

" Besides— " he continued in a darker and almost mocking tone— " if you can't force him to put me in, you shouldn't go around saying you'll beat the Kiseki no Sedai. " Yohime scowled.

Conceited fake pretty boy— the sudden switch in his personality was proof enough! (Unless he was bipolar or had multiple personalities, that kind of switch just wasn't possible.)

The sham they called a practice game begun not too long after that exchange, though the start was interrupted when they actually couldn't locate the fifth player... Who turned out to be actually standing in line with the rest of the team.

' Where the hell did that guy come from? ' Yohime thought, focussing her gaze on the blue-haired number 11 that she didn't recall seeing prior to his sudden appearance.

Leaning forwards, the silver-eyed girl rested her folded arms on the metal railing and smirked slightly as number 10 (after being passed the ball by the phantom member) broke the hoop; tearing it clean off the board.

' How embarrassing, ' she snickered as Takeuchi-sensei's face started to contort in his rage. That had to be the high light of this afternoon for her. Apparently amused as well, the blond model burst into peels of uncontrollable laughter.

" Man, that's what you call a beating! I've never seen Coach like that before! " The blond crowed, watching as the rest of Kaijou's basketball team prepped the entire court for a game. A courtesy that should have been extended to Seirin from the start... especially since the Phantom Sixth Man of Teiko was on their team, Yohime noted.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now