「 二 」

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「 二 」 Dropping Glasses just to hear them Break

Moriyama wasn't sure if he heard it right— " You have to do what? "— but he was pretty sure he heard his captain grouse that he had to find a certain Nijimura Yohime.

As in the Vicious Queen of Kaijou High.

" I have to find her, and beg her to make sure their group project is passable, so that Kise— that idiot— can pass his class, and stay on the team," Kasamatsu clarified grimly, recalling his coach's words.

"I know Takeda-san, she's a tough teacher to please and wouldn't hesitate to fail any student- even a crucial regular on the basketball team. The fact that they are assigned a project two weeks into the school year is proof enough. "

" How bad are Kise's scores? " Moriyama enquired gingery. His captain grimaced.

" Bad. " Judging from his face, Moriyama would say 'bad' was a gross understatement.

Shaking his head to rid himself of his underclassman's disappointing academic results, the ladies man of Kaijou's basketball team shot a serious—-and slightly pitying— look at his captain.

" Ok, then you better hurry up and find that girl before lunch ends. We can't lose our ace before Inter High, " he replied seriously, causing his friend to nod in determination.

" Right, " Kasamatsu said, hitting his left palm with his fisted right hand.

With a rush of determination, the third year turned to a group of younger-looking boys who were walking.

" Excuse me, do you know where Nijimura Yohime might be? " The basketball team's captain asked, deciding to stop them and see if they knew where the infamous Vicious Queen could be. Their response was... uncanny.

The boys paled significantly, shaking their heads rapidly before speeding away as Kasamatsu and Moriyama watched them go. Deflating in disappointment, Kasamatsu sighed.

" This may take awhile... " he muttered lowly in despair. His friend could only comfort him with a pat on the shoulder coupled with a muttered: " Good luck."

It took various attempts to locate the ravenette; a great trouble on Kasamatsu's part. In fact, had he not have a duty as the captain of the basketball team and a responsibility to fulfill his coach's request, he would have abandoned Kise to his poor grades and the search for the elusive first year girl with him.

His troubles in locating the girl ranged from the ridiculous— like people paling and shuffling off when they heard a syllable or her name— to the down-right irritating— where students huffed about delinquents ruining Kaijou's prestige.

Finally, finally, when he had located her at long last— sitting under a tree some ways away from the main building beyond the back fields— Kasamatsu encountered yet another hurdle.

" Um-hi...you...um... I...! "

He couldn't talk to girls.

Similarly, Nijimura Yohime was quite perplexed.

For the life of her, she could not fathom why a rather tall third year— and that irritating blond idiot's captain from the basketball team— had, rather abruptly, walked up to her and stopped right in front of her... before proceeding to spew out unformulated, unarticulated gibberish.

The raven-haired girl simply watched as her senior floundered about, grasping at straws for the proper words, converting oxygen to carbon dioxide, before she had finally snapped.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓Where stories live. Discover now