「 十三 」

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「 十三  」 Oh, Boy...

" Nijicchi! You don't spend enough time with us anymore-ssu! " Kise Ryouta had accused (loudly) dramatically one practice, pointing at the basketball team's manager with tears streaming down his face. Yohime sighed.

She was hoping for a nice and smooth last week and a half of term, ya know? Too bad. Too bad.

Time had flown quickly since school had commenced, and now with the weather warming up considerably, the summer break was soon approaching.

With that, however, came extra duties for Nijimura Yohime. One, the Student Council who conned her into the planning of the School Open Day. Two, the Disciplinary Committee, of which she needed to still get her amended rule book approved by the snotty piece of shit that was her homeroom teacher. Finally, and most arduously, the basketball team... of which she needed to plan training regimes, make arrangements for summer practices, type up a form for the basketball team to pass to their guardians and order new equipment; she fumed silently at Takeuchi passing along his work to her.

Naturally, the majority of her time was indeed consumed by the affairs of the basketball team and her school hours were chiefly taken by her other affairs.

Hence, Kise's complaints.

" I demand that you spend more time with me! " Kise whined, clutching on to the girl's leg as she went about the gym surveying the second string's progress (and effectively ignoring the boy she was dragging across the gym floor). Just to top off such an irritating cake, yet another of her charges flounced over.

" Yohoo~ " Kaijou's Wailing Banshee sang, banging open the gym doors with a cheerful grin showing off his snaggletooth. " Hime-sama~ " Her senpai's arms flailed his hands over his head enthusiastically, all the while not paying any mind to the fact that he was disrupting practice.

" Ah? Is it time for the meeting now? " Yohime murmured mostly to herself, shaking Kise off and re-capping her pen.

Waltzing up to Coach Takeuchi, she handed him the clipboard and notes she had complied over the time she had been at practice and casually made her way out of the gym; pausing at the mouth of the hall to turn back and shoot the boys (who had stopped in their curiousity) a withering look.

" Shouldn't you fools be practicing? " That was their cue to return to work. Lest they be killed.

Meanwhile, Kise remained kneeling on the wooden floor, his hands on his knees as he fixed a particularly sharp gaze on the receding figures at the gym doors.

He wasn't happy one bit.


The Disciplinary Committee had huddled together in Yohime's office after the meeting to complete the less interesting side of their duties: paperwork.

Of which, there was a multitude, Toyotomi Takeshi was quick to point out.

" That is quite a lot of paperwork you have there, Yohime-sam, " Takeshi said, picking up a sheet of paper from the innumerable number that were placed in various piles on the girl's desk. Reading over it with a puzzled expression, he looked the the younger girl questioningly. " What's... Po...cky? Yohime-sama? "

Over the past two weeks, the disciplinary committee had grown close. The boys now had friends in their own grade, with each other, and, of course, had Nijimura Yohime. With the amount of time they had been spending together, it wasn't surprising just how close that they had all gotten. Even to the point that Yohime could list all of Ryuusuke's dietary requirements, Yuu's pet rocks, Kei's coffee order and Takeshi's quirks by heart. In fact, right then and there a quirk of Toyotomi Takeshi (arguably the wealthiest boy in Kaijou) was on display... his complete and utter naivety when it came to "commoner" things.

" Seriously, Takeshi? Have you not lived?! " Ryuusuke was quick to quip, as hot headed as ever, earning a sheepish smile from the rich boy. Yohime sighed at Ryuusuke's explosiveness before turning to the silver haired boy.

" It's a commoner treat, Takeshi-senpai, " Yohime had replied patiently. " Biscuit sticks dipped in things like chocolate, strawberry or matcha. We need to order a new shipment for the vending machines at school. " Takeshi had given her a mod of appreciation in response, but added in an almost tutting tone:

" You don't have to address me so formally, Yohime-sama, I am your subordinate. "

" Then, likewise, you should not address your underclassman so formally as well, Takeshi-senpai. " Ryuusuke snorted.

" Hah! I think that's an impossible thing to ask of the Clueless Gentleman, Hime-sama! "

" Don't razz him, Ryuusuke-senpai. "

Meanwhile Minamoto Kei was much more preoccupied with the papers that Yohime had diverted her attention from to take care of her ducklings. Fingering the papers, he picked one folder up and scowled.

" Isn't this... the Student Council's work? " The second year muttered darkly, glaring down at it. Yohime turbines her attention to the tall male.

" We're an extension of the Student Council, after all, it's not unnatural to be involved in their work. " Ryuusuke frowned.

" Eh?! It feels like they're using you, Sis! " Yohime scoffed.

" They are doing no such thing. Don't even imply that I'm so weak that someone could take advantage of me. I knew what I would be doing from the moment I accepted my position as the Head of the Disciplinary Committee. "

" Dealing with raging fangirls and all? " Sanada Yuu asked suddenly, in an uncharacteristically quiet tone.

The temperature in the room fell a few degrees at his question as Yohime's lips tightened. Grinding her teeth together, she lifted her chin authoritatively and casted a guarded look about her; silently challenging her 'generals' to proceed with their line of questioning.

" Not like I wasn't dealing with them previously, " she had commented evenly a few seconds later; happy when the males in the room avoided her strong gaze in submission.

" I'm going to pass these to Shirosaki-senpai, " she said, rising from her seat and clutching a thick ring binder. " I trust you all not to wreck my office in my absence. " Then, she breezed out of the room, plunging it into a tense silence.

A moment passed, then another. Then, Ryuusuke spoke up, straightening up from the edge of the desk he was leaning on.

" We all know about the situation, do we not? " The auburn man asked in a particular cold tone, sparing his fellow men a glance of knowing. One by one their faces fell into unreadable stone. Even the happy-go-lucky Sanada Yuu and the Mona Lisa smiled Toyotomi Takeshi had grim looks.

" How could we not? " Yuu had replied. Clenching his fists together so tightly that they shook, his voice wavered in poorly concealed anger. " She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. "

" It's because of that stupid blond, " Kei hissed, slamming his fist down onto the wall.

" Careful, Mina-chan, you're a blond too~ " Takeshi cooed though his face remained serious. The tension in the room didn't diminish in the slightest as their conversation died there; even though Yohime blatantly ignored it when she returned.

The boys could do nothing, after all, for she wouldn't forgive them if they had.

So they remained silent, even when Kise Ryouta in his pouting glory came to whisk their leader away for " ... that dinner that you owe me! Don't think I forgot, Nijichi!!! "

Though Kise definitely felt their glares boring uncomfortably into his back.

Eh? Ah, Sou. [Kise R.] ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن