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Cassidy's POV.

"Cassidy, come on it's time to go!" I sighed as I finished up brushing my hair. I took a second to just stare at my self in the mirror. I didn't feel pretty at all today, I don't know I just haven't been feeling the best lately.

But there's no time for me to be pitying myself right now. I have a doctors appointment and Lauren is driving me crazy about it.

She for some reason really wants me to go. Even though I've said anything that I possibly could to get her to just let me stay at home and burry myself neck deep into my covers.

"Cassidy?" I jumped at the voice coming from behind me.

"Yes Lauren?" I guess I was deep in thought that I didn't even see her behind me seeing as I was still staring at my reflection.

She gave me a weird look but continued anyway. "I've been calling you. We have to go, we only have 20 minutes to get to your appointment." I sighed as I looked through the mirror one last time before following Lauren out the room.

"So how are you feeling right now?" Lauren asked once we got into her truck and began making our way to the doctor. I shrugged before turning to look at her. "I feel ok."

I felt Lauren's eyes start to burn holes into the side of my face.

"You know I'm only doing this for your health Cassidy. I know you don't want to go but I just at least want to know that everything's ok with you."

I nodded as I continued to stare out away from her. "Yes, I know Lauren."

She sighed and focused her eyes back on the road.

I sighed as I felt my eyes start to water. I really don't understand why I was feeling like this but whatever it was, it was really starting to hit me hard.

"Lauren, I-I'm sorry...I'm s-sooorry Lauren!" I cried historically as I roughly laid my head on the window.

"Cassidy! What's the matter baby?" I felt her take ahold of my hand while she kept the other on the steering wheel.

I shrugged as I put my head down into my head.

"I'm just, I'm sorry for being so rude to you. After all you've done for me. Your only trying to help me and I'm sorry Lauren." I said out in one breath as the tears continued to fall slowly.

"Awww, no Cassidy." She said as she stoped at a red light and turned to me rubbing my arm. "It's fine Cassidy, I promise you. It's alright, I know you don't mean it." She said while whipping the tears from my red burning cheeks.

"I know your still going through some things and it's going to take you a while to get better, so don't stress over it ok Cassidy." I nodded as she continued to speak and before I knew it we where sitting outside of the doctors office.

She parked the truck and looked over at me. "Now come on, let's go and get you checked out so we can go and have some fun afterwards. Yeah?"

I smiled and nodded as i watched her get out and come around to open my door. She grabbed my hand and lead me into the building. As we made it in and signed my name, we took a seat in the waiting room.

For some reason I was really scared. My heart was pounding heavy through my chest, and my hands where beginning to become sweaty. I knew Lauren could feel it. But she was focused on her phone.


"Yeah?" She asked looking up form her phone.

"Umm, I'm really nervous. Is that bad?" I asked quickly as my leg bounced up and down. She let out a stiff laugh and touched my leg.

Through the hurt. { Lauren Jauregui f.f }Where stories live. Discover now