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Content Warning:

This story will contain mental and physical abuse. (Some sexual abuse)


- sorry for any mistakes guys..enjoy🍉

The car ride was really quite. I tried not to make a sound, well I didn't even look up in Chris's direction.

He's upset. So I know that me talking to him would only make it worse.

"Hey." I heard as I felt my head forcefully pushed towards the car window. My eyes began to water but I sucked it up and turned to face Chris.

"Yes?" I whispered with my eyes shut tight.

"I was talking to you. Just pay attention sometimes." He said

"I'm sorry-"

"You're sorry I know you are." I looked down and played with my fingers not saying anything else.

I heard him sigh and felt the car come to a stop.

"Look, I'm sorry ok. I-I just sometimes when I get angry I don't know how to deal with it so I take it out on you."

I looked at him, it surprised me so much that he even apologized to me. Hearing him apologize I really wanted to just scream and hit him.

Do you think I don't realize that already! I wanted to say but the only time he ever apologizes is if I'm going to have to do something that I don't want to or if he is really upset about something. So I'll take it.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes. "It's fine really."

He nodded and sighed before talking. "Now, we have to talk."

I hoped silently that it had nothing to do with me, but dealing with him I never knew. I stayed quiet and waited for him to continue.

"About what happened back there." He sighed and looked down. "At the end of this week, when Lauren my sister comes home I don't want you any were near her understand?" He said sternly but I just was really confused on why he wouldn't want me near her.

I mean what could be the harm, she probably was much nicer than he was.

"Do you understand?" He said louder making me jump out of my thoughts. I nodded my head fast not wanting him to get more angry with me.

"Good. Now after this ride when we get back home your going to act like your happy and everything ok."

When do I not.. I thought

"O-ok." He didn't say anything else just turned and started the car back up.


Pulling back up to the house Chris got out slamming the door behind and walking angrily to the front door.

I slowly got out and followed behind him. I wish I could just go home and be with my family, if I had one but Chris saved me. Ever since my mom passed away I had been living with my stepdad. And he was a great guy until he started to drink and got out of control.

So me and Chris had just started dating at the time and he was coming to pick me up one night and walked in on him forcing himself on me.

That is really why I feel that I owe myself to Chris. Because without him, I would still be getting raped and abused by my stepdad. But what I didn't know was that Chris would turn out that same way a year later.

I finally walked all the way into the house and passed the kitchen until I heard my name being called.

"Cassidy, sweetie how are hun?" Mrs, Jauregui or Clara asked me with a small smile on her face.

I looked down and back up quickly. "I-I'm fine Clara thanks." I smiled nicely.

She walked closer as she wiped her hands on a dish towel and put her hands on my shoulders. "I just want you to know that you can talk to me about anything, you're apart of this family like everyone else. I'd never want you to feel out of place."

"Oh Clara I really do appreciate you and mike so much. And believe me I'd never feel out of place." I lied and covered it up with another fake smile.

She nodded and pulls me into a hug. "Good. Because I love you like my own, I'm very glad you and Chris met and are together."

"I love you too Clara." I said ignoring what she said last as I hugged her back and shot her one last smile before letting go and making my way upstairs.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Taylor said popping out of her room door.

"Umm yeah sure." I walked into her room following her.

"Have a seat cass." She said as she patted the spot in front of her on the bed seeing that I was still just standing there.

I pushed my hair out my face and went to sit I the spot she pointed to.

I looked around her room as she got settled in more. I was just really hoping that I didn't get in trouble for being in here by Chris because he doesn't-

"Cassidy.." I blinked and looked up at Taylor who was looking at me funny.

"O-oh I'm sorry." She shrugged and laughed

"It's fine, so I know you're probably wondering why I brought you in here. It's nothing really but I just wanted to tell some things that Chris most likely won't." She said and I raised my eyebrows up in confusion and wanting her to go on.

"Ok well for starters, I'm sure he gave you some lame excuse about Lauren." I nodded and put my hand on my face.

"Him and Lauren never got along, even as kids. They fought all the time over everything. And one day his came home so happy about having his very first girlfriend. Nila, she made him very happy. Until he came home from practice and found Lauren in bed with her." My eyes went big at this information, no wonder Chris told me not to go near her. But I still don't understand why he treats me so-

"And ever since then he's been angry at the world. When he met you things seemed to have gotten better, but I don't know. He's still a dick." She said and I laughed with her a bit making her stop laughing and look at me.

"You know, you should really laugh more." I sighed and looked down. I felt her hand on mine.

"Stop letting him control you, you deserve to be happy." She whispered and I couldn't help myself I just needed a hug. So I fell into her arms while tears fell down my face.


Hi guys🐵 so of course I hope you all are enjoying this story so far...

I'd love to know your thoughts on it so💭💭💭
-By the way, Lauren will be in the next chapter😋☺️

Well luv you all💕


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