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-sorry for any mistakes guys...enjoy😍

Lauren's POV.

A couple days have past and the tension around the house is still thick. I mean with Camila trying to get my attention on her and me, I'm just focused on Cassidy, because she's still not really talking to me.

Honestly I hate that Camila even showed up because now it has ruined everything. I know I can't just blame everything on her but it's true. And now Cassidy won't even look at me.

It hurts so much. Just to know that I hurt her that bad.

I heard a slight knock on the door as it slowly opened causing me to jerk my head up in that direction.

I smiled so big when I noticed that it was Cassidy.

"Uh hey.." I said not really sure what else to say at the moment.

Cassidy looked down and played with her fingers. "Umm Camila wants you." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Alright." She looked up at me for what seemed like not even a second and turned to leave.

"Wait Cassidy! Umm can we please talk?" I asked stopping her from leaving. And I was really hoping that maybe, just maybe she would agree.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about." She whispered as she shook her head.

I tried my best to look into her eyes but seeing that she kept her head down low, it was hard.

I walked closer to her and grabbed her arms. I felt her body freeze. Knowing that I caused that, hurt like hell.

Just staring down at her. She's so beautiful and it just makes me hate myself even more for saying those things about her. She's been through so much already and I just made it harder for her to trust.

I gave her a small smile, as I pushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear making her look at me. 

"Please?" I asked almost begged because I really wanted to talk to her. But right now it was like we were having a staring competition. And I could see that Cassidy was thinking about if she should talk to me or not.

"I'm not going to hurt you Cassidy." She opened up her mouth to speak but we got interrupted.

"So this is what you came up here to do." We both turned to see Camila standing there with her arms crossed.

"I sent you to do one thing and you couldn't even do that!" I felt Cassidy jump and watched her slowly put her head down.

I rolled my eyes before talking to Camila. "Alright Camila calm down its not her fault."

"And of course you take her side!" She yelled pointing at Cassidy who looked like she was about to cry and that made me angry.

"Camila. Enough. She did come up here for you but I wanted to talk to her."

Camila just stared at me with a blank face but I could tell she was upset. I glanced over at Cassidy to see that she was no longer standing there.

"What do you see in this girl?" I rolled my eyes as I heard Camila ask me.

"No. I mean really, is it because she's prettier than me or something?"

I rolled my eyes as I listened to her yell and scream.

"Camila, why don't you just stop with the stupid assumptions."

"Why don't you just fucking tell me the truth! If you want to be with her tell me! If she's better than me than just tell me! I mean what in the hell does she have that I don't?!"

"Once again Camila, we're not dating! So even if I did like her or want to be with her it shouldn't matter to you!"

I watched her as she started to pace the room back and forth as she nodded her head.

"You know what Lauren, I thought that you loved me. But you're right it shouldn't matter to me. But it does! Because- because I fucking love you damnit! But I'm guessing you wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

I just threw my hands up and sighed. I can just never win with that girl.

"Whatever Camila god. You knew what this was when you got into it, so don't try and act all surprised now."

I was seriously done talking. She knew what our "relationship" was when she first agreed, so I don't see why she's all of a sudden so shocked about things now.

Honestly it just pisses me off how she tries to put all of this on Cassidy. Like it's her fault.

I stomped my way down the hall and stopped in front of Cassidy's room door. I really have to talk to her, I just hope she's now welling to hear me out.

I put my head down and reached to knock on the door.

It slowly opened and I saw her face.


"W-what do you want now Lauren?" She whispered as she held her head down and pushed her hair behind her ear. She folded her arms close to her body and I looked at her.



Camila's POV.

I sniffed back my tears as I packed the last of my things. I'm feeling so hurt right now, over what Lauren had said, even if it was just the truth. It hurt like hell to hear it.

But I know that she's only doing this for that Cassidy bitch. Because before she came into the picture things were perfectly fine. Now look, she's treating me like shit and it all because of her!

Trust me I won't let her get away with this. She may have Lauren fooled, with that whole sweet and innocent act. But I know bullshit when I see it and I see right through her.

She just wants to get closer to Lauren. That was her plan all along, so she made me look like the crazy, jealous person. Just to push me out of the way, and now she thinks she can have my girlfriend all to herself. Well she sure has another thing coming!

So I may be leaving now, but trust me when I say I will be back. And maybe even with a little help to get rid of Cassidy so I hope she doesn't get to comfortable.



-Uh oh Camila had something planed...😱 and what will Cassidy say to lauren🤔

I hope you all enjoyed😘

Luv you all💕



Through the hurt. { Lauren Jauregui f.f }Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz