Season 2 Episode 4

Start from the beginning

                   Then, the door opened and two people emerged. “Hi there” said one of the men. “I’m Brad West. This is Harry Kane. Welcome to Arrington.” Filled with rage, Anthony walked up to Brad and punched him in the face. Harry drew his gun and said “Hold it right there.” Anthony grabbed his arm and threw him in to the wall. He then hit Harry across the face with it. “Let’s go” Anthony said and they ran out.

                   They ran down the stairs, hid from people walking by, and ran out to the street below. “TYLER” shouted Anthony as they ran out, pointing the gun in every direction. Tyler and Kate turned. “Anthony” said Tyler as they approached. “Hold it now” said Thomas, pointing t Anthony. “Just put the gun down.”

                 “No” said Anthony. “Get those doors opened, NOW. We’re leaving.” “Anthony, what wrong?” Kate asked, looking worried. “He’s what’s wrong” said William, pointing at Thomas. “He kidnapped us and brought us here.”

                    “That’s not true” said Thomas. “A crazy camper came up and hit you all across the head. I brought y’all here ‘cause a horde was coming.” “Ooh, convenient” said Ted. “Who’re you?” asked Tyler. “Ted” said Anthony, lifting the gun to point at Thomas’ head. “Let us out.” “I will as soon as you recover” said Thomas. “You have obviously experienced a traumatic event.” “Let us out, NOW” shouted William as many guards ran up, pointing their guns at them.

                        “Everyone” said Thomas. “Let’s all calm down, and put our guns down.” Then, looking at Anthony he said “I promise you that, after your stitched have finished, I’ll let you go.” Anthony looked at him for a moment before lowering the gun and saying “Alright.”

                       “Perfect” said Thomas. “Now, Tyler, Kate, please show your friends to the apartment. Remember, lunch soon.” Tyler and Kate walked off with them as George whispered something to Thomas. Anthony wondered what he said.

                         They walked to the apartment and saw the others there. “Anthony” said Frank. “What are you guys doing here?” “Pack your things” said Anthony. “We leave at dawn.” “What?” asked Tyler. “No way. This is an amazing home. We can’t go back on the road again.” “We don’t have to” said Anthony. “We found a museum. That’s where the others are.” “A museum?” asked Frank. “Sounds promising, but this is better. Why should we leave?” “Because Thomas lied to you” said William.

                          “What do you mean?” asked Tyler. “We weren’t attacked by a camper” said John. “They attacked us.” “Why would he lie?” asked Kate. “Um, he’s crazy” said Ted. “Dude, we don’t even know you so shut up” said Frank. “Hey” said Anthony. “He saved Me, Sam and Gwen from a horde along with some other people. He’s a member of this group.” “I’m not sure there is a group anymore” said Tyler.

                        “Haven’t you noticed that there are suspicious things going on?” asked William. “This looks like a military base that they took over. Also, they keep on whispering things to Thomas that shouldn’t be heard by the public.”

                         “Oh god” said Frank. “I have seen that.” “Exactly” said William. “That doesn’t prove anything” said Tyler. “Why won’t he let us leave then?” asked Anthony. “Stitches” said Tyler. “We don’t have any” said William and they showed their heads, which had no stitches.

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