Chapter 14

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"Charlotte!" I say in a high surprised voice when I see her standing in the threshold. The look on her face matches mine, shock clear in her eyes. She stares at me with those beautiful now-dark-green eyes, grey crescents circling her eyes, her skin as pale as mine. I can feel her desperation, sadness. I may have broke her curse but I've hurt her more than ever.

"Cole! You're alive?" Her voice barely audible. "How..." She stops as if the shock took away her ability to speak.

"Charlotte!" My mom appears behind me greeting Charlotte nervously.

Charlotte didn't answer, so I say, "What are you doing here?" Looking at Charlotte expecting no response. The look on her face makes me wonder if she would run away or maybe slap me or hit me.

"I... I..." Still unable to utter any word, Mom answers instead.

"She comes here every friday to help me around the house. After you, well after you supposedly died, Charlotte and I bonded over our grieve for you and helped each other get through it"

"How are you alive?" Charlotte finally speaks.

"It's a long story, but magic had its role." I try to lighten things up, to minimize the shock. It didn't seem to work, Charlotte swings her arm and plants a hard slap on the side of my face, leaving her fingers as marks, And than she embraces me and starts sobbing and crying, "You little piece of shit!"

"I've missed you so much!" I say, and kiss her lightly on the lips. Hey, My mom is watching. I say before I decide not to kiss her again hard this time.

"I'll leave you two alone." My mom smiles at both of us and leaves.

"I'm sorry about your father." I say as soon as my mom is out of sight.

"I know, it's ok..." She pauses, and than says, "How did you know about that? We just found out today." She eyes me warily.

"Umm, My mom told me." My voice shakes and I cough involuntarily.

"how could she have known? I was about to tell her before I saw you."

This is not going well. I must distract her, change the subject. I can't have my first reunion with Charlotte go badly. Out of hesitation and nervousness, I decide to kiss her. I lock my lips on hers and the world fades away. Kissing her was the best distraction I could ever come up with, it's like all my problems have washed away and the only thing on my mind was her. But she didn't feel that way, I felt her resistence rising every passing second, she pushes me away and stares at me with furious eyes. I never saw that look in her eyes before. Apparently losing too many loved ones can scar you for life.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a low voice.

"What's wrong!?" She shouts, "One day you're dead and the other you're standing right in front of me, very much alive! You let me suffer! You killed yourself for me! Do you really believe I would have been happy if my curse was broken and you weren't here?" The pain in her eyes and the way she speaks sends shivers down my spine. I never thought of it that way. I never knew I hurt her this much. What a stupid boy! A voice inside of me snaps.

"I thought I was doing the right thing." I say as calmly as I can.

"Well you thought wrong! You broke my heart! Going behind my back!" Her voice keeps rising. "Killing yourself! God!" Tears fill her eyes and she tries to hold them back.

"I'm so sorry Charlotte, I only did it to save you." Did I hurt her that bad to the point where she lost her love for me? To the point where I no longer make her happy?

"I know, What you don't understand is you never should have gone behind my back. I mean you killed yourself for Christ's sake! What you did..." She pauses trying to block away the tears, "We can't just go back to normal."

I stand still, my gaze fixed on her. The words hit me like a bullet. "Are you breaking up with me?"

She doesn't answer. She only hugs me for a millisecond and turns around to leave. She glances back at me, eyes shining with tears now running down her cheeks. Goodbye Cole. I can hear the words out loud even though unspoken, but the pain is the same. How much pain can a guy handle in one week? How is it that when I start to feel like everything is building up again, I see it crashing down on me once more? Everything I've been fighting for for Charlotte, our love, our future is gone.

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