Chapter 12

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"Did you do it?" My father is on the phone with Clara, "Is he dead?"

The eagerness in his tone frightens me, my father frightens me altogether. I never knew he could be the kind of guy who isn't against murder, against making people suffer. I guess his life turned him into that man, someone who wouldn't let emotions or affection alter his decision. He hangs up the phone and turns to me, "It is done. Rob is dead."

"Alex is safe." I say with a sigh of relief. It is finally over. My family is safe. "I can go back home!"

"No you can't." My father's steady voice cuts through me like a blade.

"What do you mean I can't! You told me I can go home once Rob is dead!" I shout at him now, but he seems unfazed by it.

"I never said such thing. There's still Evelyn to worry about, with her alive you will never be safe."

"I don't care about that whore! What I care about is going back home! Back to my mom and sister!" I turn my back and shut the door behind me leaving my father alone with his problems.

"Cole get back here!" My father shouts from the threshold, his silhouette getting smaller as I walk away. I'm done with all this. I can't handle hearing the word magic anymore. I want a normal life. I want my old life.


  I'm standing in the threshold of my old home, where my life was still boring and normal, where I had a family who loved me and I them.

I knock on the door, tears already sliding down my cheeks. It's 3 am in the morning, the sky is pitch black, my mother must be sleeping now. I knock harder now. It's a relief that no one is on the streets, I can't handle any attention now.

The door bursts open, I see my mother in her nightgown, "Cole!" She puts her arms around me in a tight embrace. I sob uncontrollably.

"Mom I'm so sorry!" With this we fall into utter silence, hugging each other and crying silently.


  I head to my room, nothing has changed. Mom kept everything in place. Memories came flooding in my mind. Most of those memories included Charlotte, The way we kissed everytime she was here, the way we fooled around before everything was ruined by this damned curse. I feel like it has been Million years ago, I can barely remember what's normal. I hear a knock on my room door, I turn around and find my mom. "Are you okay?" She says.

"It's just..." I stop, going through everything that happened in my mind makes my eyes tear up. "How can I live a normal life now? Everything has changed! I changed."

My mom stands beside me, silent. She just folds her arms around me and lets me sob uncontrollably. I don't need anyone telling me lies, and she knew that. Maybe she didn't know what to say, but she knew I needed her.

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