Chapter 10

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1 month ago, I wouldn't have thought my life would be like this. My mom not speaking to neither me or dad, dying to save Charlotte, brought back to life by my dad, learning magic. If someone told me this would be my life, I would've laughed at their craziness.

My dad left to meet that women he spoke to last night, I wonder who she might be, how will she help us. How will she help Alex.

my dad's knock interrupts my reverie, I open the door, "About time!" I snap.

"Is that Cole?" The women comes closer to me, brushes her fingers along my jaw, "Handsome little fella!" She says in a seductive voice.

"Clara!" She immediately stands still, and eyes him warily.

"Relax! I'm not a pedophile for God's sake! He just reminds me of you when you were his age."

she enters the room and says, "Now where's the flower darling?"

"I'll go get it. You two," He points his index at both of us,  "Behave!"

"What a grumpy man, Don't you think?" She turns her attention to me.

"Who are you?" The words come out before I could stop them.

"I'm Clara Michelson."

Michelson, It sounded familiar for some reason. "I'm Evelyn's daughter." She says answering my unasked question. I freeze the moment those words catch my ears. "I know it's a shocking and displeasing news, and you might want to scream at me, but believe me I hate my mother as much as you and your father do."

"How do you know my father?" I try to sound as casual as I can.

"When he came to Evelyn to learn the ways of magic, we met and we started going out. We were very happy, at least I was, Until your mother showed up, and he fell for her completely forgetting me. I was young back then, I made an unforgettable and probably unforgivable mistake towards your father, and he left. I never saw him since. Until now of course."

My father came back to the room with the obitus flower in his hand.

"How do you plan on using that?" I ask.

"Well, let's just say that it's hard to survive a date with me." Clara says with a devilish wink.

"What does that suppose to mean?" I ask without getting any answers, Clara picks up her phone and dials a number on it. She waits for a while and her voice changes, with a seductive tone she says, "Rob, darling! How are you?" She walks away from my father and I.

"What is she doing?" I ask dad.

"She's asking him out, we will use the obitus flower in Rob's drink."

"It's a clever plan and all, but the full moon is in 3 days and you said that the flower takes a month! We don't have time!" I raise my voice. It seems like these days, I can't stay calm. Anger keeps boiling the blood inside of me.

"If we use the whole flower it will kill him instantly." Dad says matter-of-factly.

Clara comes back almost hopping with amusement, "He said yes! Which is predictable of course, that man is so pathetic!"

"Great! Now take this flower, remember when you put it in the drink..." Dad started speaking with his condescending teaching tone, but Clara cuts him off.

"John, I'm Evelyn's daughter, I know how to use the flower. Remember who used to teach you stuff." Again with her devilish sexy wink. "I better go get ready, tonight is gonna be epic!" She rushes toward the door and leaves the two of us alone.

"Dad, what happens after we kill Rob?" I ask unable to stop my voice from shaking at the word kill. I know I came up with the idea, but I'm starting to regret it. He is after all Charlotte's father, and I still love her more than anything. I hope she can forgive me for doing this, but I know she won't and never will.

"We kill Evelyn, and end this mess." My dad says in a low tired voice. I've only found out about magic weeks ago, he has lived this life for so long. He had to leave because of it, he had to sacrifice everything. Just like I did not long ago.

Deadly Love - Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant