chapter 2

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I'm never getting out of here. I think to myself while I'm hitting the casket around me hoping it will move just a little. I scream from the top of my lungs every few seconds, I knew no one will ever hear me but I guess that's instincts.

I have been traped for what seems like hours now. At this moment, I wish this women didn't give me my life back, I was accepting the idea of death, I even welcomed it at some point. I was relieved that my fear of death will no longer exist. But now here I am, back to where I was, running away from death when I know it will catch me. Fighting till the last moment when I know I will lose. I decide to give up the fight, If this women brought me back to life once, she can do it again. I'm done.

I close my eyes, I always wondered what it was like to die in my sleep, to close my eyes and never open them to the same world again.


  A thump on the outside of the casket wakes me up. Or maybe it's the afterlife, the real one. Maybe I have opened my eyes to where I was supposed to be the last time. Light shines in my casket, moonlight. Someone opened the door, but my vision was too blurry to make out the details. My eyes were still adjusting to the light when my savior pulls me up. I rub my eyes with the heels of my hands, and before I open them I say, "Who are you?"

"I hope your resurrection didn't take away your memories." A man's voice answers me. It sounded familiar but unrecognizable. I open my eyes now and I slowly retrieve my sight. I see before me the only man I never thought I would see ever again. The man who left me when I most needed him, a man who promised me that when things got bad he would always be there to make them easier. He was my father, and now that same man is standing in front of me.

I remember the last memory I shared with him. I came home from school one day, I was only 10 years old, I heard my mom and him shouting about something, "Listen to me Jane, I have to go. I can't stay here, I can't look at him." My father yelled, I always got scared when I saw him like that, "If you leave our son will hate you!" my mom replied with the same tone as his. I always admired her for that, she never kept quiet, always stood up for herself. My father didn't reply, he took his bag and as he was leaving, he saw me with tears sliding down my cheeks, suddenly his angry face turns into grim, "Listen to me Cole, just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I won't be there for you." He walked away, and that was the last time I ever saw him. And now here he stands. Staying true to his promise. He came back for me.

Deadly Love - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now