Chapter 4

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We all wear masks, and there comes a time when we have to remove them, but as we do some of our skin comes off as well.

Today I saw my father for what he is. A spirit witch. It's weird how once this mask has been taken off, and the secret is out, the person you see in front of you is somehow a stranger again. My father now is a stranger. But hearing his story, and the way he fought for my life, the way he sacrificed another child's life for me, although it's wrong, I admired it. But I'm still shaken by all the new information.

"You... You knew Elen?" My voice cracks, barely audible.

"I didn't just knew her, son. She taught me everything, But that's not the point." He shook his head, "It's that time of year when Charlotte's father kills someone."

"How did he never get caught!? I mean 18 years, 18 kills!" I shout, this is too much for me. The curse, Charlotte's father, My father.

"Elen gave him a magical flower. Obitus flower, we use it to prepare most of our death spells. And she told him to put it in a cake and give it to the target. The child will get sick and die within months." I look at my father wide eyed. The way he speaks about all this with such calmness frightens me.

"Why would Elen want to save Charlotte and help her father?" I ask.

"She wanted to see them suffer. She only saved Charlotte so that she could witness her death years later. Elen is a sick women." He says.

"Who will Charlotte's dad kill this year?" I'm surprised by how casual I sound. Death does not frighten me anymore. Now that I have experienced what it's like having your life taken away.

The look on my father's face turns into a grim. "It's your sister, Alex." 

The word hit me like the knife hit me the day I killed myself, but this time the pain is worse. This time the knife hit me right in my heart.

"WHAT! Not Alex! He can't kill her! he promised you!" My voice travels all through the cemetary, good thing we were alone.

"He promised he won't kill you, Alex is only 10, and she's the perfect target for him. And now he's willing to kill again now that the curse is broken." My father's tone is still nerve-wreckingly calm. I want to slap him and yell at him This is your daughter! But what good will it make, he doesn't know her.

"I suppose you have a plan to stop this madness!" I am still shouting.

"Yes I do, The reason you are alive was because I prayed for the spirits to set you free. And in order to stop Rob, you have to learn the ways of spirit magic. It is ,after all, in your blood."

"No way! I don't want any of this." I remember how Evelyn found Elen, and taught her magic, and she turned out to be a whore who likes to kill people, and my father a coward. Where magic is involved, I don't want any part of it. And then a memory struck my mind as if it just happened, You have been chosen. It was The abnormal voice of Elen before she died. I open my mouth to ask my father if he knew anything about it, and before I can even mutter, he interrupts me, "You have to, and we must start immediately."

Deadly Love - Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon