Chapter 5

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"We have to go home." My father said after the first lessons he gave me on spirit magic, in the middle of the night!

"How will we explain my resurrection?" I ask thinking about my mother, who because of me suffered a lot. My father leaving her, me dying. She must be devastated.

"We'll think about it. Now In the meantime, you'll stay with me." His house is not so bad, it isn't big but it can fit 3 people comfortably, he said he bought this one because it was on the outskirts of town, he didn't want unnecessary attention.

"Why do I need to learn spirit magic? Can't you do something and stop Rob?" I ask for the hundredth time. I didn't want to be dragged into all that magic stuff.

"Only you can end all this. it's not just about the curse or Rob. It's Evelyn. She's the one who started all this. The curses and the magic. And only you can stop her." He looked at me in an adoring way, like I was someone he would kill himself for, and maybe he would. The problem is I'm not sure I would die for my father.

"I thought anyone can learn the spirit magic. Elen wasn't a witch, you weren't either." I say.

"Evelyn chose Elen, spirit witches have the ability to detect all the possible witches and warlocks. And Evelyn saw Elen's ability, and she saw mine." His voice trailed off for a moment, "and I see yours." he said eventually.

"Can I ask one more thing?" But I don't wait for his answer, "Before I woke up from the dead, the spirit prayed for the Holy King to wake me up. Who is the king?"

"Okay, enough questions, focus on what I have taught you." He avoided my eyes, and immediately turned to the door, "I have business to take care of."


I practice my magic the way my father taught me, he introduced me to all the spirits, all their names. I remember some of them like Medicor the healing spirit, Obitus the death spirit who, with his power, created the obitus flower. Devotio the cursing spirit, who Elen prayed for to make the Orsons' life miserable. Anima, the life spirit who gave my life back. There are plenty more spirits but I couldn't remember them all. At first my father taught me how to cast spells, we always chant 'In the name of the spirits who gard us' before every spell. But the memory of my resurrection keeps haunting me, she didn't say what my father taught me, she prayed for a holy king. I wonder why dad ran away at the mention of the king.

I shake those memories away for now, and focus on my mission, to stop Rob Orson from killing my baby sister.

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