Chapter 9: John

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I wake up the next morning with a massive headache. With Jane discovering everything about us and leaving, with Rob's insanity and his plan to kill my daughter, and with poor Cole, getting dragged into all of this mess. I wish I was able to give him a normal life.

"Going to meet her now?" My son asks me as I open the door.

"You're awake. I didn't wake you because I figured you needed some rest after everything." I say, "And yes I'm going to meet her."

"I want to come with you!" He was already getting ready.

"No you can't, I can't risk you being seen in public just yet."

"Why! It's not like I'm that popular!" He starts raising his voice now.

"You're popular among the Orsons now. Which is why you will stay here."

"Fine, but once Rob is killed I want to go back to my mom and forget all of this."

I wish it were that easy, I wanted to say those words instead I say, "I'll see you later." I open the door and leave.


  "Clara, I see you already met some new friends." I say as I enter the diner, Clara sitting on some guy's lap and whispering something to his ear that made his mouth twitch with amusement. I can't blame him, she is a stunning woman, dark skinned, Brown eyes and amazing body that fits in every piece of clothing she puts on. She turns her eyes on me now, "John!" She jerks up from his lap and hurries toward me making the guy almost furious with me.

"It's always a pleasure seeing you. How long has it been?" She pauses almost a second and then continues "15 years?"

"I believe so, and I see that the years hasn't changed you." I guide her to a table beside me and we sit down.

"Please, I like a little fun, keeps my life interesting. Now to be honest, I was surprised to hear from you." She says, "Not after what happened the last I saw you."

"You know I don't hold a crudge," This was a lie, "besides things have gone crazy around here. And I need your help." To be honest she is the last person I'd go to, but since Jane is unwilling to help me... "My daughter is in trouble. Rob Orson is planning on killing her."

"That son of a bitch, how did you know he's after your daughter?" Her eyes now fixed on mine.

"You know him and I have issues, also I prayed for spirits to give me answers and they told me."

"So what's your plan? how will you stop him?" Before I could answer the waitress interrupts us, we order 2 cups of coffee, and when she leaves us alone I whisper, "I'm gonna kill him."

"What! You can't! You know he is under Evelyn's protection!" Her voice, although whispering, strikes my ears as if she was shouting.

"That's why I need you! I need you to kill him. I know you've been hanging with Evelyn again, which is why she won't suspect anything from you."

"Listen I hang with Evelyn not because I want to! She is my mother for God's sake! She is making me stand by her side!" Now she is really shouting.

"I know..." I pause for a moment as the waitress arrives with our coffees, and continue once she's gone, "I know, But I need you! My daughter needs you! Please!"

"Fine! I'll do it! How are you planning on killing that asshole?"

"I'm gonna use the obitus flower, I need you to take him on a date and put it in his drink." I blush once I finish, I look at her and see shock in her eyes.

"You want me to go out with him? Am I a sex object to you?"

"Listen to me this is the only way! He's been alone for so long he won't say no to you! Plus I know he has feelings for you for a long time now."

"I'll only do it if you do me a favor also." She says.

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