Chapter 7

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I hang up the phone, my father called me and made me talk to my mother, i could hear her shock and happiness in some way. I can never understand a mother's love towards her son. I don't know what will happen now. What will my mother do.

I hear a knock on the door, it's my father's knock, I know it because he told me he'll knock in a way that would indicate it's him. I walk to the door and open it, i see on the other side my mom sobbing at the sight of me. I gaze at her, my eyes watering up. It has been so long since the last time I saw her, hugged her, touched her. I want to keep her in my arms forever and never leave her this time. I run to her already open arms. I sob and cry loudly on her shoulder, my whole body moving with each sob. "I have missed you so much!" She managed to say with a cracked voice, "How can this be possible!" her voice now loud, not with anger but with joy.

"I will explain everything later, honey." My father says in a steady voice, how can he stay calm in these kinds of situation! "We have more important issues to talk about."

My mother doesn't even pay him any attention, neither do I.

"We have to stay on track Jane!" my father snaps. "I brought you here not only for you to reunite with Cole. But we both need you."

"Dad!" I give him a nasty look, "Can't we just enjoy this a little bit before you ruin it?"

"As much as I like this reunion and want to ignore everything else, I can't. I have to think about my family. My ENTIRE family." I immediately knew what he meant, Alex. He was right of course.

"What's wrong?" Mom is now worried. "Why are you so cold John?"

"Listen Jane, what I'm about to ask you is really unreasonable of me to do so, but I have to. Our neighbor Rob Anderson, that crazy asshole, is planning a murder." The way he speaks of all this really frightens me, I can never understand how he can always be this indifferent.

"A murder?!" Mom gives him a wide-eyed look, "Whose murder?"

"Dad!" I interrupt, "This is not the way to tell her!" I snap.

"Guys, I need answers, so let me ask the questions and you answer with complete honesty!" That's what I love about my mother, always comes up with the best way to communicate. "First of all, how are you alive?!" Looking at me.

"Um, Dad is kind of a--a witch." I whisper the last word, making it inaudible.

"Speak up Cole! Your dad is what?" She leans closer so the word catches her ear.

I cough not to clear my voice but my stress, "My dad and I - recently - are spirit warlocks." still whispering but this time my mom hears every word. "I'm sorry what! Warlocks?!" I can hear mockery in her voice, "Can you please tell me what really happened honey?"

"it's true Jane." Dad interrupts with his calm and steady voice. "Cole and I are warlocks, spirit warlocks, when Cole died, I prayed for the spirits to wake him and he did."

My mom goes still for a moment, Looking at both my dad and me in a disbelieving look. I shrug as a sign of agreement with dad when she looks at me.

"This is a joke right?" Mom says in a worrying tone.

"Think about it Jane, How can he be alive?"

"That's impossible! Warlocks John? Really! What's wrong with you!" she's shouting at him as if she's afraid of him.

"Mom it's true please! Think about it! I died and now you see me standing in front of you as if nothing happened." I hold her hand to calm her down, but it didn't. She removes it abruptly, "Cole you believe this! You believe this man!" She points a finger at my father. "The man is a liar! And a coward!" She pauses for a moment to calm down, "Cole, I need you to come with me home. I will not allow you staying with him."

"I can't!" I say, "Mom he is saying the truth! I can't go with you, if you just hear what he--"

"No! I will not listen to a liar, I'm leaving now, Cole come."

I stand still. "I see, I guess you prefer him." Her voice cracks and tears appear in her eyes. No don't cry mom! "Goodbye then." She turns around and head to the door. I shoot a scolding glance at my father telling him to say something, but he keeps his lips seeled. Now you shut up!

I watch my mother leave, glancing at me once more, disapointment clear in her face. I try to hold my tears back and fail. I lost her again. I try to call for her, try to utter her name but no sound rises. It feels like a nightmare, where you can't do anything while everything crumbles in front of you, and you stand still unable to move.

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