Chapter 8

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"Listen to me Cole, Rob is planning to kill Alex and since your mom isn't willing to help us, we have to stop him ourselves!" Dad decided to speak now after mom left, I feel numb, I don't answer him. All I could think about is how I disappointed my mother is, and how I broke her heart to pieces. My head is aching as if there were knives piercing through it every second, unabling me to think rationally.

"We have to kill Rob." I hear myself say the words out loud. It's not that I want to become a murderer, but the only way this will stop is if we kill him.

"Kill him?" My father stares at me with wild eyes. "This is Charlotte's father Cole. As much as I like to see him die, Charlotte would be devastated."

Charlotte, How I miss her! I don't want her to get hurt. But Alex is my sister, She's the one I must protect first. "It's either him or Alex!" I snap at him. My father stays silent and nods in agreement.

"I believe we'll have to use the obitus flower then?" I say breaking the rising awkward silence.

"Yes, It's our only option. But neither of us can go to his front house and just give him the flower." My father pauses for a moment, scratching the back of his head searching for an idea to arise. "The best way to kill him without him knowing it is if we have someone he trusted on our side."

"I don't know what you're talking about." All his mumbling distorted my focus. It's like he's talking to himself ignoring my presence.

"I think I know the person who might agree to help us." My dad rushes towards the phone and dials a number.


"Okay, I'll meet you tomorrow morning." He got off the phone with the women. He didn't tell me who she was other then that he knew her a long time ago and had met her when he first started the Evelyn spirit magic courses.

"She'll be here tomorrow." Dad said once the call has ended.

"what if he kills Alex tonight!?" I panic.

"He can't, In order for the life to transfer from Alex's soul to Charlotte's, spirits must draw power from the full moon since this spell requires a large amout of energy. So we have 4 days till the moon is full." His indifferent voice only freaks me out even more.

"How can you stay so calm?" I finally snap, shouting at him, "How can you speak with such calmness."

"It wouldn't do us any good if I freak out now would it?" I can see the anger in his eyes as if I slapped him hard. "A clear mind is the best way to acquire solutions."

Of course I stand corrected again by him. It's so unnerving being wrong all the time. he's right, freaking out wouldn't do any good, so I shut my mouth and let the silence eat us up.

"Hey dad," I finally speak, "How do you know that woman?"

"Oh, it's a very long story, what I'll tell you now is that she is our only hope for saving both Alex's and Charlotte's life."

Deadly Love - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now