(30)7 months

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At seven months of carrying this baby, I couldn't wait for the baby to come out already. Of course because I wanted to see my baby but also because it was getting so uncomfortable.

My feet were swollen and I couldn't fit my feet in my shoes anymore. This was the only time that I regretting my hard earned money on Louise Vuitton and Manolos. 

While the big L called Label was not working out for me, the other L was perfectly fine.


Other than my usual pregnancy issues, I was having the best time staying with Aman. It was like we were discovering each other all ever again. 

It was not like I was crying my lungs out everyday without Aman but now living with him again and having him back in my life felt like I was complete.

Like something was missing and now I was whole again. 

He was extremely caring and attentive. He had changed some of his ways as well and I had too. He calmly and lovingly cleared all my issues.

And he was the best husband ever too. 

He would come tired from work but seeing me be in pain and cramps, he would immediately rush to comfort me. Almost every night he massaged my back or played with hair, ears until I fell asleep. 

A few weeks ago, I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes welled up with tears. Aman was on the bed with his laptop when I joined him. 

It took him ten minutes but he did notice that I was upset. 

"Mira, are you okay?"

"What do you think?" I said, while grabbing a tissue from my bedside table. 

"What happened?" he asked and then yawned. It was almost midnight. 

"Forget it, it is time for you to sleep."

"Tell me."

"Well, LOOK AT ME."

"I am. So?"

"I am too big."

"I thought it was part of being pregnant?"


"Baby, can we talk about this tomorrow? Please stop crying. Everything is okay," he said while yawning again but managing to kiss me on my forehead. 

I let him sleep until I could not take it anymore. I was tossing and turning again and again. 

"Aman," I whispered. I shook his arm a little to wake up him but he did not move. "Honey?" I tried shaking him up again. 


"I need to talk to you."

And then I woke up him at up three a.m. to talk about my body image issues. 

Or a few days ago he had gotten back from a trip with his friends. He had left me with my mother for the time being. 

He did not even want to go in the first place. Well he did, but he didn't want to go while I was pregnant but I told him not to be stupid. He had been working so much and taking care of me so he deserved to have fun. 

So as I was in the car, since he had come to pick me up to take me back with him, I suddenly felt really mad at him.

"How was the trip?" I asked him. 

"It was so much fun. I should take you there sometime. You will love it."

"I called you a lot of times. You didn't pick up."

"Yes, baby. The guys would put on music so loud, it was difficult to hear anything."

"I am a nuisance to talk to these days, aren't I? I have one complain after another. I am the worst at being pregnant."

"Worst at being pregnant?" he looked at me confused. "You are great. Don't worry."

I loved it when he tried to console my insecurities. It was extremely rare in case of Aman. He usually let me be but I was probably getting the special treatment for carrying his kid.


"Okay." I said and smiled at him. "I bought the crip, by the way."

"Oh, really? Can't wait to see it. Did you get the one we chose?"

"No, I got another one. It seemed better."

"It probably looked better." 

Wrong thing to say, it was. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I only bought it because it looked good. Couldn't I like the quality more or something?"

"But it usually are  the looks that attract you baby."

"Maybe that's why I married you. Looks."

"Don't be angry, Mira. I was just telling you the truth."


"I am telling you very calmly Mira, you can do the same."



"I hate it when you act like you know everything. When you don't. Your brain is the size of a walnut. You are a freaking dinosaur. You are an owl. You think you are so so so so smart."

"Baby, get out of the car. It's been five minutes since we got home."

"And now you are kicking me out of your car."

"Wait, what..?" I cut him off as I got out and slammed the door shut. 

I got inside the house and went to the kitchen when I heard his footsteps following me. 

"Why are you behaving like this with me?" he demanded. 

"Why shouldn't I? Wait I should use the other glass for pouring water, its cuter." I said sarcastically. 

"I don't know whether it's cute or not. I don't know everything."

I wanted to throw something at him. SLY. 

"Isn't it why I married you as well? Because you are better looking than other guys?"

"Great. Now you are comparing me to a baby's crib."

Well, he managed to make me smile at this. I wanted to laugh but I decided to hide it.

But I smiled anyways. 

He looked at me triumphantly. "Come to bed now, baby."

I ignored him and went to the bedroom. Half an hour later, he came to bed too.

"I like the crib," he said while getting in bed with me.

I kept ignoring him. I really hated him for thinking that I was so shallow. It made me sound so dumb that I bought things just because they were pretty. 

That was so unfair of him.  

He slept off peacefully. But a few hours later, he pulled himself to me and wrapped his arm around me while sleeping.

I tried to escape but then gave up. I was comfortable. 

This is how a marriage is maybe. You fight. You disagree. But in the end..

You get to sleep in his arms. 

Anyway, today at exact seven months, I had an appointment. The doctor said everything is fine and we should follow the schedule. Aman had gone to Mumbai for business and was due to be back tomorrow. 

I was now working from home. As I checked my emails, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Everything turned very hazy. And then everything turned dark. 

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