I might admire him from afar for his mind and looks, but I knew the dangers that lurked behind those looks, under those eyes, and in the devil's mind. His heart was black and turned to stone for me and she had been the one to do that. I hated him to a degree that I could burn him alive but yet my sister still sat on the top of that list.

"Good morning Mr. Reid," I greeted without looking at him because I knew I could see the anger right there. I walked forward to the fridge picking ingredients for my breakfast. Kelly was giving me looks asking have I had gone crazy. I wanted to reply to her that I already was crazy.

No woman in their right mind would do what I was going to do. I didn't get any reply from him as usual. Well, his loss sadly. I mean he was already in the loss. He was losing one of the biggest battles of his life. He was having his inner peace destroyed because someone was getting married. I was glad she was, and I had even RSVP that we both were coming. Tearing apart the wedding invitation didn't change what was happening, nothing could.

"I found the invitation to the wedding, but it was torn into pieces. Would you have any idea who did that?" I asked looking at him with my wicked smile on while placing the ingredients on the kitchen island just right beside him. He already had painted me to be a cunning and wicked bitch then there was no harm in playing to be one.

"Do we have dog Kelly who could have done that?" I asked with my eyes set on his. They burned with anger and hatred the same way they have always burned for years looking at me but today they burned a little darker than before.

"No," Kelly's words was clear enough for both of us to hear.

"Then I think I know who did it. I hope they know that doing that won't stop me from answering back that we are going to attend that wedding. I mean it is a perfect occasion to show the world that I'm alive and here in Vegas." My smile was brighter than ever while the anger in his eyes was at its peak. His lips pressed into a thin line with his fist closing and opening trying to calm his anger.

Would it help you, Erik? I wanted to taunt him.

"I hope you will have time to attend the wedding Erik because I have already promised that you will come for sure." I goaded him and that did the trick.

The monster was out of the cage and coming for me. He let the paper drop on the island and turned towards me. His next move came too fast for me to escape. One of his hands going to my hair pulling them violently and the other going to my throat. My hand didn't reach for his over my throat what use was it off? I was pushed making my back collide with the fridge. I could see the violence in his eyes.

"Don't you know when and where you should stop Serilda?" He seethed out. His hand wrapped around my hair as he pulled it until my eyes were forced to see the ceiling rather than his face.

"Do you really think that your cheap tricks would work on me?" I was in pain but I smiled at his words. Cheap tricks? Did he know the cheap tricks they had used to put me here?

"Aren't they?" I replied in a strained voice only to have his hold on my throat grow tighter and painful.

"I'm not one to get in your tricks Serilda. I tore that card and you know it well!" He shouted in my ear but like him, I couldn't hear him just as he never heard me all these years.

"Well, I replied that we were coming." It was hard to speak but I couldn't hold back. My hatred for him ran deeper than his. It was through his hands and words I had tumbled down from living to being dead.

"You don't know how much I want to kill you right now but I won't. I won't let you have the easy way out, you are going to burn in this misery every minute until I die and that time isn't anywhere damn near." His voice a notch too dangerous but those words only made me hate him more. They justified the reason for me hating him.

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