28; Frail Body & I've Got You Baby*

Start from the beginning

I'm suddenly more scared than ever.

Ryan Madden is suppose to be dead.

"Olivia." Harry comes to my side and tears roll
down my face.

"Harry, get Bella out of here." I say my eyes focused on the only blood related family I have left.

"I'm not leaving you." He says and I turn to look at him.

"Please..." I whisper. "I love you but please."

He nods and takes my baby in his arms. Her body lies limp in his arms and she looks so fragile. Her head falls back and her eyes are shut. Her body is beaten and bruised and I try not to cry harder. I notice tears in his eyes when he looks at me.

I nod my head and he leaves the room, taking Bella somewhere safe.

"Livvy," is the first thing said and the voice sends chills down my spine.

"You. Asshole." I spit and I raise my hand to slap him in the face but he stops me, grabbing my wrist.

"I don't think so little sister." He says and Officer Des steps foreword but before anything someone puts his arm around my neck and cool metal is pressed against my temple.

I have a gun against my head.

"Drop the gun Cole." Louis yells.

"Fuck no." He says.

"Drop the gun or we'll shoot." He holds his gun up and the gun is pressed harder against my temple.

"Shoot me and I'll shoot her." He spits.

He makes me face my brother, "This was not how I expected us to meet little sister." Ryan smirks.

He looks so different. He's a lot more built than before which is surprising and he has a lot more facial hair.

"Don't call me that. You lost that privilege of that a long time ago." I say and his eyes darken.

"I guess trying to find you after all these years wasn't worth the time then." He sighs.

"What are you doing alive Ryan?" I ask. "Why have you done all this?"

"It was for you Olivia. Everything I've ever done is for you. I was never really dead. I was in trouble and needed to protect you. I owed a lot of money and if I didn't pay it back they would get to me by hurting you. I needed to save you from that. All I've ever done is protect you Olivia, from getting hurt, from getting involved with the wrong people, from the drugs, from our parents!" He explains.

"Our parents?" I question.

"Pfft. You think they died in a crash? They didn't. They wanted you to become something I knew you didn't want to be so I took you away and had them killed covering it up as if it was a crash." He laughs psychotically.

I feel tears rolls down my cheeks, "So you killed them because you thought they wanted me to be something I wasn't? I didn't know what I wanted Ryan! I didn't even meet my parents because you killed them." I yell.

He slaps me across my cheek and I hear a gun click, "This is why you lost your daughter." He shakes his head.

"What?" I choke.

"You lost your daughter because you are ungrateful and stupid and you deserved to suffer!" His eyes darken.

"All I ever did was love you like a sister should love a brother. No matter what you did I was there for you!" I shout.

"You gave the gang to Finch! That son of a bitch took over my gang because of you being dumb. You were supposed to be the one who took over and made things even better than they already were. Luckily I had Cole here to keep some things in shape until you got his ass in a prison cell. I thought me leaving would make things better but it just got worth because of you!" He yells.

"So you did all this to get back at me?" I say in disbelief.

"I did this to teach you a lesson. You're daughter is suffering because of you but I guess now that you've learnt, we can get back to talking about the gang." He smirks.

"You're crazy." I tell him.

"Aren't we all darling sister?" He grins, evilly. "Now all I have to do to complete my plan is get rid of one thing..." It's silent and I hear Louis step closer to me. "Cole," He says, causing tension. "Shoot her."

"NO!" I cry but a gun shot goes off. My eyes are closed but I feel no pain. I look down and see no blood but I hear a thud behind me.

I am no longer trapped by Cole because his body lies in a puddle of his own blood right in front of me.

I look up and my eyes soften when I see Harry standing there. He opens his arms and I run into him and start crying.

"No, no, no!" Ryan yells and Officer Des pulls out his handcuffs.

"Ryan Madden, you are under arrest for drug smuggling, leading illegal gangs, kidnapping and murder." Officer Des puts him in handcuffs and we head back upstairs.

When we get outside Harry cradles my face in his hands. "Baby, are you okay? I was so worried, are you hurt? Did he hurt you? Who was that guy?" He questions and I smile.

"Everything is okay now Harry, just like you said it would be." I smile and kiss his lips but I pull away quickly. "Where's Bella?"

His face falls and my heart plummets, "She's okay Liv but she's so skinny and pale and her body is so weak she can't lift her own head up." He sniffs and I run to the car.

I climb into the back seat and start balling when I reach out and hold my little girl in my arms. "My little princess." Her eyes flutter but she doesn't wake up.

Her arms are so small and bony, I can fit my hand around her wrist. She's so dehydrated and hungry. "Harry can you grab my water?" He nods and hands it to me.

She stirs, "Mommy?" She croaks.

"Ssshhh baby, you're okay now. You're safe now." I kiss her forehead.

I give her some water and cradle her body close to me, "I've got you baby. Mommy and daddy found you."

Harry climbs in the front and we drive off as I whisper to her reassuring things the rest of the way back to California.


I love Harry Styles so much I think I might puke rainbows.

They found Bella finally!!

Less than ten chapters left 😭

*Please comment, vote and share*

-Chloe xx

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