Chapter 82...Not gonna happen

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Jade POV

"Hey thanks for the dinner!" Leigh spoke as she gave me one last hug before going to the hotel she was staying in. "Oh it was nothing! It was great having you here Leigh! You know how lonely it could get when you're really far from home." I replied smiling. 

"You're right, it sucks sometimes, being away from Your family, friends and everybody you love."  Leigh Anne chuckled until a cab stopped in front of us. "What time's your flight?" I asked as she stepped inside the car. "3 am tomorrow, first flight to New York." She said and I nodded, until she pulled something out of her wallet.

"Here, take this." Leigh said as she handed two small pieces of cardboard, then she spoke once more. "That's my number and uhm, this one's Perrie's, just in case you change your mind." Then I glanced at it, she just gave me hers and Perrie's business card. "Thanks Leigh!" I smiled. "Anytime! Goodnight Jadey, I'm gonna miss you!" She replied and then soon enough the driver asked for her destination.  "You too, Have a safe flight!" I yelled as the car drove off and I waved goodbye to Leigh.

Perrie POV

I got a call from my assistant and was told that my business partner slash bestfriend Jesy arrived late at work. That's it, she's been doing that for consecutive days now. She should be thankful she's not just a regular employee if not I may have already fired her weeks ago. 

I went to the shop immediately after learning about it, but then I got more annoyed when I found Jesy laughing hysterically over the phone. "Jes! In my office now, I need to talk to you it's urgent!" I yelled then went straight upstairs but not before hearing her whisper something to whoever she was talking to. "Oops, gotta go the devil's here!" And that made me roll my eyes.

I sat on my swivel chair, my left hand massaging my temples. "Hey Pezza! What's up?" Jesy came with a huge grin on her face. "Don't Pezza me, I'm not in the mood!" I retorted then Jesy raised her hands up in surrender. "Whoah! Chill, what's got you so grumpy?" She asked as she walked in. "You, what took you so long? It's been ten days now, you're always late. You know how difficult it is during mornings, I need someone who would look after the flower shop now that construction's still ongoing at the camp site!" I sighed in frustration. 

"Okay I'm sorry, I always get stuck in traffic these past few days. Geez! Can you just calm down?" She replied as she took a seat on the vacant chair in front of me. " This is a mess. Then I caught Jesy staring at me and smirking. 

"What?" I asked quite annoyed at her expressions. "How long has it been since you slept with a girl?" She asked, seriously? "Jes! Just drop it!" I replied then turned my chair around and faced the wall. Then she laughed hard. "Oh Pez! Your virginity is back that's why you've been so moody all of a sudden!" She said then she immediately turned my chair around and it caught me off guard. "Hey!" I said in surprise.

"So tell me how long has it been? Two years?" Jesy once again asked and I just groaned in frustration at her question. "No, I'm not answering that!" I replied while crossing my arms over my chest. "Haha! I know, let me count." Jesy replied as she did a manual count using her fingers. Ughh! Can this day get any worse?

Then she paused for a minute, "Holy crap! Don't tell me it's been eight fucking years since you last brought a girl home." She said while stifling her laugh. That's it, now she's totally getting on my nerves. "Oh wait, more like nine years if I'm right! Oh you poor thing!" Jesy added and then bursted laughing one more time and I'm sure the staff could hear her voice, it's like her mouth is a microphone with huge speakers on full blast.

"But I tell you what I got a call this morning Pez, and oh you're gonna love it!" She answered after her laugh had died down. "From who?" I asked. "from Leigh." She said. I rolled my eyes at what she said, Nothing's new. "Whoah! Hold on, you haven't heard the best part yet. She's in New York now and she told me she met someone. A doctor, a super hot doctor." Jesy slow motioned the last sentence and that made me raise my eyebrows. "So she's cheating on Andrè now?" I asked.

"Nope! She told me the girl's  your type, and she's a hundred percent sure of it!" I laughed at what she said. "Pfft...My type? Oh please, Leigh doesn't know anything about my type. Oh and one thing I only want Jade so there is no way I'm gonna be interested in that doctor." I answered.

"She told me she's sexy, smart, very funny, kind, just a bit shorter than you, has lovely brown eyes and she's damn gorgeous you'll totally be drooling when you see her." She stated while doing all these stupid lip pouting. I cringed at the sight of my bestfriend doing that. "Stop that, you're making me sick!" I fired back.

"Oh come on, just give this girl a shot, maybe she's the one you've been waiting for, the one who'll mend your broken heart." Jesy said while smiling widely at me. "I don't have heart problems." I said and she laughed. "Forget about Thirlwall, this doctor's a friend of Leigh so if you happen to change your mind just ring your gorgeous friend up, then you leave everything to Ms. Pinnock she'll set you up on a date. It's that easy." She said before exiting out of the room. Then she peered once more "oh and one thing, I think Hatchi's gonna love her too!" Then she was off.

"Not gonna happen!" I yelled at her.

-A Few More Chapters Left❤❤❤😚 and I hope wattpad's gonna be able to fix this problem sooner, I find it difficult to update, the mobile apps still not working well..

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