Chapter 87...Where's Perrie?

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Perrie POV

After closing the shop, Jesy went home to her apartment. Now I finally have the time to be alone for once and not have her talk to me about what I should wear or how she would be doing my make up.

I went upstairs and into my sort of mini apartment where I was met by a happily bouncing Hatchi the minute I opened the door.

As soon as I finished cooking myself some pasta, lasagna to be exact, for dinner I sat by the window and stared at the city lights.
I know I should be excited about tomorrow, but it still feels like a part of me hasn't completely moved on, although I already convinced myself about it, then my mind started drifting away.

Flashback 8 years ago...

"Three more blocks away." I mumbled to myself after my car broke down, my lungs felt like they were running out of air, but that didn't stop me.
I ran as fast as I could.

"Please tell me you're joking." I said. I couldn't believe how happy I was the minute I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, seeing her name pop up on my screen. For months she ignored me, no calls, no texts and even at school she always find ways to somehow not bump into me.

I couldn't blame her though, I hurt her and now I'm paying the price. But that doesn't mean I'll stop loving her. The feeling of not being able to talk to her at school was the worst. But still, I always looked after her without her even knowing. Somehow Ally stopped bullying right after prom, and I was glad about it. I was happy Jade finally got the chance to get through high school normally, and it makes my heart swell everytime I get to see her smile and laugh with her bestfriend, knowing that she's safe.

But I miss her...

Every single day, the minute I go to bed at night and after I wake up.
I tried controlling myself not to text her, knowing that she probably deleted my number or that I won't get any replies in return. I couldn't help it though, I know things were over between us but I was still hoping she'll get the hint that my "good mornings" and "good nights" mean more than just that. Like it was screaming with" I miss you Jade", or "I'm sorry, please talk to me" or "I still love you."

I constantly check my phone everytime I send her texts, but I got none. I remembered once I went to the library knowing she was there. She was writing something in her notebook and I was like a few feet away from her, hiding behind a shelf. I pretended to gather books just so I could look at her. It wasn't until my bestfriends came and called for me.

"Oi Pez!" Jesy blurted out, I jumped in surprise, causing the book from my hands to fall, hoping that it didn't caught Jade's attention.
"What are you doing here?" Another question came from Leigh. I scrambled to pick the book up and once I did, I peered through the gaps between the books and the shelf like I did before, but this time a pair of brown eyes locked with my blue ones.

For the first time in what felt like forever, she looked at me. Those eyes that captured my heart. It was like a second or two, that I felt pure happiness when she stared at me and then she slowly looked away.

My bestfriends followed my gaze and then they got the idea. "Pez, I thought you said you were through with this." Leigh Anne whispered.
I smiled, "Oh, I'm just returning this o-one." I said while showing the book in my hands.

"All about Asia?" Jesy read the title, without me even knowing what book I was holding.
"I doubt you even read that one." She added and snickered. Then I heard some shuffling, it was Jade gathering up her things and soon enough she was out of the room. I was devastated.

But this morning she texted me, I was jumping with joy when her name once again popped in my phone, like my prayers where finally answered. Then I opened it, and my smiles were immediately replaced with sadness...she's leaving, like right now.

My sweat trickled down my face and once I got to her house I immediately knocked on the door.

"Jade!" I called and knocked still catching my breath.
"Jade, please open the door." I knocked again, this time louder than usual. I know she probably hates me, but I need to see her, I don't care what she thinks, call me crazy, I love her.
"Jade, please open the door, why won't you talk to me?" I was already yelling like a mad woman at this point, and my knocks were more like banging.
"I'm sorry, Jade! Open up, please! Damn it!" I said out of frustration. I need to see her, I know she's moving away but I never thought it would hit me like this, knowing I won't see her for years or never again.
Tears fell down my cheeks in realization, she left already, and their house was empty.

It was even confirmed when her bestfriend appeared out of nowhere and told me.
"I'm sorry Perrie, but it's too late, Jade left three hours ago."

Jade POV

I was feeling nervous all throughout the day. This is it, now I'm meeting Perrie.
I fixed myself in front of the mirror and prayed that hopefully everything will go well tonight.

I drove my car thirty minutes earlier, I don't want to keep her waiting and at the same time I miss her terribly and I couldn't wait to be with her again, if she still wants me.

I stopped by the flower shop and took a deep breath before stepping out. Once I entered the room I scanned around to get a glimpse of the blonde that I was so eager to finally be with again, until a voice spoke.

"Jade?" I heard Jesy. I turned around smiling but then she looked at me with trouble written all over her face.
"Hey." I simply said then she cleared her throat.
"Jade I-I don't know what happened." She said and all of a sudden my heartbeat increased.
"Why where's Perrie?" I asked nervously.
Jesy took seconds to answer.
"She's here like minutes ago but then she went out and then called me and she said... she doesn't wanna do it."

NOTE: A bit more patience loves!❤😙

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