Chapter 34...You wanna talk to Pez?

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Perrie POV

I locked my bedroom door shut and threw my bag on the floor the minute I got home.
I feel so stupid! I don't deserve Jade!
I'm not supposed to feel this way. I wasn't supposed to love her. I was supposed to play with her feelings and make her fall for me, but things turned the other way around. I fell for her so hard and it caught me off guard.

Maybe I deserve this, all of this! I deserve getting hurt and watch her kiss and love someone else while I cry. I wish I never should have gotten into that shitty deal but then I'm still thankful that I got to spend a few precious moments with her.

I crawled under the covers and cuddled my pillow while I let my tears flow down my cheeks. I love Jade, but she will never love me back.

Jade POV

I stared at the flowers that mom found in the bin while making dinner. I still can't believe what she said, Perrie was here. How come she never showed herself? Why? Did she just left before we got here?
Was she really planning on asking me out on a date? Why did she ran away?
My head was filled with questions and I just couldn't focus.

I shook my thoughts away for a minute and continued doing my homework. As soon as I was done with it, my mind drifted once more. Perrie! She's all I could think of. Her eyes, her smile, her laugh and her hugs and friendly kisses. I know what we have was nothing more but just friends or even just acquaintances but still my heart keeps falling every single day.

I have a date with Gigi tomorrow night, I have to admit I'm happy about it. I've never actually been asked out and this is my first time to be honest. But yeah I was still wishing that it was Perrie who asked me out. I don't know, just the thought of being with her makes me really happy. But then I guess she will never be mine in reality, only in my dreams.

Perrie POV

I drove myself to school today. I actually don't wanna go because I've been balling my eyes out last night and I know Jade will surely talk to me. I've prepared for it, I know she's gonna throw a lot of questions. I told Leigh and Jesy about my feelings for Jade and they said that they know.
Of course I'm actually not very good at hiding my feelings especially with my bestfriends, they know me better than I know myself.

I saw Jade at lunch, but I never dared to make eye contact with her otherwise I won't be able to control myself. Fortunately the whole class got cancelled this afternoon. I actually don't know why 'cause I wasn't in the mood to listen and I never cared anyways.

So Leigh, Jesy and I decided to go hang out by the bleachers like we always do during free time. We brought ourselves some orange juice, sodas and a bag of crisps. We sat down, talk about everything and ate our food. Well actually they were the ones who talked a lot because I was kinda quiet most of the time.

In the middle of our conversation we heard someone cleared their throat causing my two bestfriends to stop whatever they were doing.
I didn't look at the direction where the voice came because I knew who it was, instead I kept my sight straight at the cheerleaders who were practicing.

"Oh hey Jade!" I heard Jesy say.
"Hi Jesy?" She greeted back unsured if she got her name right.
"Yeah I'm Jesy and this one's Leigh" Jesy answered while I heard Leigh say Hi.
"So we're guessing you wanna talk to Pez?" Jesy asked while in the corner of my eyes I could see her finger pointing at me.
"Uhmm..yeah..if that's okay with you." Jade said.
"Great! We'll leave you guys alone!" Leigh exclaimed as they both hurried to get their bags and food.
"Thanks." I heard Jade mumble.
"Oh Jade, don't make it quick. Talk as long as you want..Okay? Bye!" Jesy said while she patted my back.
"Bye Jade, see ya later Pez!" Leigh shouted as she and Jesy went off leaving me and Jade alone.

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