Chapter 18...Would you like to stay for dinner?

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Perrie POV

She's hugging me! She's hugging me! Oh my God. Then I felt butterflies in my stomach.I wish we could stay like this forever. I've never had this feeling towards anybody before, except Jade!

Then suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket causing me and Jade to break apart.Just way to good to ruin the moment. I said sarcastically to myself.

I checked the caller ID and saw that it was my mom. Then I realized that I forgot to tell her where I was.

"Excuse me" I said to Jade and she nodded.
"Perrie where are you?" Mom said over the phone almost yelling.
"Hi mom! Sorry I forgot to tell you but I'm at a- a friends house." I replied.
"Oh don't lie to me Perrie! I called Jesy and she told me you asked her to drop you off somewhere." Mom said almost angrily.
"I'm not lying mom I'm at J-Jade's." I said to her.
"Who is this Jade?" Mom asked.
"Uhmm..she's a friend of mine." I reasoned out.
"I've been worried and sick honey! Next time check your phone and always call whenever you're going out Okay? Aren't you coming home yet it's almost dinner."
She asked and I could sense the worriness in her voice.
"I'm really sorry mom! I just forgot to call you. Actually I'm going home now I'll just say goodbye to Jade and her mom." I replied.
"Alright! Be careful." Mom said.
"Okay mom love you!" I said then I ended the call.

"It was your mom wasn't it?" Jade asked as she finished placing the flowers in the vase.
"Uhmm..yeah I kinda forgot to tell her where I was going." I said as I slid my phone in my pocket.
"Hey Jade I gotta go!" I said to her while picking up my bag on the sofa.
"W-would you like to stay for dinner?" Jade asked.

I paused for a moment thinking whether I should accept the offer or not.
"Uhmm..I would really love to Jade but mom's worried and sick, well it's my fault actually coz I forgot to tell her I was coming here." I reasoned out.
"Oh" was all she said and I noticed that she seemed sad that I rejected her offer.

"You know what, I would love to stay for dinner." I answered and she instantly smiled.
"Really?! But your mom-" I cut her off.
" I'll tell her I'm having dinner at yours!" I said as I dialled mom's number.
"Yay!" She cheered and I swear she looked adorable.

Jade POV

I'm really glad Perrie's staying over for dinner. At least I got to thank her for the flowers.

Dinner went really well more than I expected. Perrie was really fun to be with.
She also said that she loved all kinds of food and I wasn't actually surprised to see that she really enjoyed mom's roast chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy.
I was glad that she came over, at least I got to know her more.

After that, Perrie said goodbye to mom and I walked her out of the house.
"Thanks for the dinner! It was delicious, you never told me your mom's an excellent cook." She said happily.
"I'm glad you liked it!" I said smiling.
"Oh you know I love food." She said laughing.
"So I gotta go now!" She said.
Then I noticed her car was nowhere to be seen.
"Did you walk all the way from here?" I asked her.
" W-well I asked Jes to drop me off at the flower shop after school, so yeah I walked." She replied.
"Don't worry Jade I'll be fine, mine's not that far from here." She assured.
"But it's late Perrie!" I reasoned out.
"Oh wait here, I'll go get my jacket" I said as I hurriedly went back to grab my parka.

Seconds later I was out of the house again with Perrie and she looked at me wondering what I was doing.
"Jade what are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm calling you a cab." I said as I put my parka on.
She laughed and said "Oh, you don't have to Jade."
"But I want to and it's not safe for you to walk alone at this time of the night." I reasoned out and I saw her blush.
"Well if you insist." She said smiling.
" So come on." I said as I grabbed her hand and lead her to the streets.

I swear I felt a lump in my throat the minute our hands got in contact. Then I suddenly felt her grip tighten causing me to look at her. To my surprise I caught her staring at our hands. She quickly looked at me and smiled, So I smiled back too.

Minutes later a cab stopped in front of us.
"So I'll see you at school then!" Perrie said.
"Yeah, see you at school" I replied.
Then I gave her a quick hug, then after we broke apart. She suddenly kissed my cheek, and I swear if it wasn't dark outside, my face must have looked like a tomato.

She went inside the cab and said.
"Bye Jade." While waving her hand.
"Bye Perrie, be careful!" And with that the car went away.
I stood there on the street for a few more seconds before going inside just thinking about how soft her lips felt on my cheek, and I smiled at the thought, I think I'm falling for Perrie Edwards.

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