Chapter 85...Who's She?

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Perrie POV

"Hey, where have you been? Hatchi's been looking for you." I asked Jesy the minute she stepped inside the shop after for what felt like hours since she borrowed my car. 

"Hey Pez I bought you some pizza!" She exclaimed excitedly while placing the box of Domino's in front of me. That's weird, I thought to myself. Jesy never buys me pizza, but then was glad she did now so I hurriedly went for it.

"What the-" I said the minute I laid eyes on the food. "You ate more than half of it?!" I asked while looking at the two remaining slices. Jesy was about to go upstairs but then came back and laughed as she stared at what looked like leftovers. "Oh you thought I was gonna give you a whole one, well sorry about that,  Someone...I mean I got hungry on the way." She said. 

"Yeah, well more like starving." I said as I started munching on whatever that's left, after all it's still pizza. Then Jesy started walking away, smiling like crazy and it's really freaking me out. "Oh hey Pez, what does DVM stand for?" She asked halfway upstairs. 

I paused for a minute before swallowing the food in my mouth. "I think that means Doctor of Veterinary Medicine." I answered while looking at Hatchi with his tongue sticking out. Jesy nodded and grinned once more. "Why? Are you taking Hatchi to one?" I asked as I took another big bite. Jesy shook her head in disaprroval before mumbling to herself. "Oh so she's the doctor Leigh was talking about!" 

"Who's she?" I asked.

Jade POV

Earlier that day...

"Don't tell me you travelled all the way from L.A just to eat Pezza...I mean pizza?" Jesy asked after she let me have a couple of her Domino's and I almost choked at what she said, then she laughed hysterically after that.

"Sorry Jade, I was just messing around. Seriously though what made you come home?" She questioned again, that huge smile never leaving her face. "Uhmm...I came back for Pez." I said as I took one last bite.

"Haha! I knew it! That was you earlier in that cab!" She exclaimed and I nodded my head in response. How on earth did she guessed it? "I knew there was something suspicious in that car, it was you! Wow!" Jesy said.

"Oh come one, tell me Jadey what made you realize. Damn, you drove Pezza nuts for 8 fucking years." She asked while looking intently at me. "Well I guess, I never forgot about her really." I answered then I got slapped by a throw pillow on the face. "Ow!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Sorry Jade but you needed that because I got mad at you for leaving Pezza for so long!" She replied with that huge smile. "That hurt!" I said while rubbing my face. "Sorry I just figured you deserve a big slap. Do you know how Perrie cried for you for so long? Yeah sure she made a mistake in high school but she was sorry for it, then you left her without a word. " 

"S-she did?" I asked. "Yeah, and now you're telling me that you still love her? Do you know how many times  she wanted to go to America just to find you?" She said and now I feel really really bad for what I did.

"I-I didn't know about that." I stuttered. "Of course you didn't know, you evaporated elsewhere!" Jesy said. "I wasn't expecting Perrie to go look for me." I answered while feeling really sad at what I did. Then suddenly Jesy looked at me. "Jade, I'm sorry, you know I'm not really mad at you, I'm actually glad that you're home. But I just wish you could've done that earlier, I know you've been busy with your dreams and I'm happy that you've found that while you were in America. What just makes me sad is that Perrie told me that she's already moved on from you." Jesy said and hearing those words were as painful as what Leigh had joked before.

"I-I know Jes, I'm not expecting Perrie to still love me. I know I was wrong too, I just want to tell her I'm sorry, and if she no longer wants me I will accept it with all my heart." I answered while flashing a smile. Then Jesy went closer then gave me a huge hug. "Well don't let your hopes down, maybe if she sees you she'll change her mind about that whole date thing Leigh talked about on the phone." She spoke and it made me remember about something.

"Oh yeah, speaking of Leigh I met her in L.A." I said after we let go off of each other. "You met Leigh?" She asked. "Yeah, we had dinner together." I answered then I told her everything that we talked about. 

After that, Jesy decided it was time to go. "I'm taking this, Perrie got mad at me for being late at work many times, and pizza is something that makes her less grumpy." She said while taking the remaining slices and putting them back in the box. "That's Perrie's?" I asked feeling guilty for eating it. "Don't feel bad, you were hungry and she's just angry at me. I just want her to shut up for once." Jesy said while laughing a bit. 

Then I walked her to the door but not before asking for my phone number. "You're not going anywhere this time Jade." Jesy spoke as I managed to give her a business card. Then she stared at it. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing! I just didn't know you work in a hospital!" She said before giving me another hug. "If you're ready to talk to her or if you need any help, don't hesitate to call me okay?" Jesy said and I nodded. 

After Jesy's car drove off, I stood in front of the door for a few minutes taking in everything that she told me. 


Hey guys another chapter, sorry for the late update! ☺ #reggaetonlento musicvid is out and it was🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍...

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