Chapter 24...I won't hurt you

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Jade POV

"Finally!" I said to myself As I finished writing the essay. I placed our project on Dinah's desk and started packing my things.
The party had already started and I'm pretty sure the house is full by now. I grabbed my bag and checked myself in the mirror before I opened the door.

I need to go home now, but I have to look for my groupmates and tell them that I'm done with our project. I slowly unlocked the door and I was right, the house is already full.
I tried my hardest to squeeze myself through the crowd. I just hope nobody recognizes me in here otherwise they'll make fun of me again.
I looked for the cheerleaders then finally I spotted Dinah flirting with some random guy, but then my heart sank when I saw a familiar blonde kissing my bully.

I could feel the Tears building up in my eyes. "Don't cry, don't cry." I said to myself.
"Stop it Jade! You know she fancies Ally!" I scolded myself. It just hurts. My heart just broke into pieces. I stood there frozen a few feet away from them. "I'm such an idiot for hoping that maybe she feels something for me or that she'll love me the way I love her. But she doesn't and never will. That just proves it, I really am stupid."  I said to myself.

I took a deep breathe and started walking my way towards Ally. In the corner of my eyes I could see Perrie and Ally making out on the couch and they're like literally inches away from me. I lightly tapped Dinah's shoulder making her turn around.
"What?!" She exclaimed with a frown on her face.
"S-Sorry to bother you but the uh..p-project's on your desk." I said stuttering 'cause I was trying to hold back my tears.
Then I heard someone call my name lowly.
"Jade?" I knew it was Perrie but I didn't look in her direction. Shit! She must have heard my voice.
"Yeah fine whatever." Was all Dinah said.
"Okay.. I'm going now, thanks anyways." I said to Dinah but she just turned around.

I started to walk away and then I heard Perrie call for me once more. "Jade?!" But still I ignored her. I don't want her to see me right now, not like this. I quickened my pace almost running as I passed through the crowd. I hope she won't follow me.

I couldn't hold it anymore I felt my eyes started to water and a few drop of tears rolled down my cheeks but I quickly wiped it away with my hands.
Finally I'm already by the poolside, just a few more steps and I'll be out of this mansion.
I heard somebody yell "coming through" then I felt myself being pushed down by someone. Then there was a loud splash. That's right they pushed me to the pool and now everybody's laughing.

"Aww..Nerds love swimming too!" I heard Normani say making everybody laugh and throw beach balls at me. Good thing I know how to swim that I was able to get myself on top. "I hate it! I hate myself."
" You don't belong in here Thirlwall, you should have drowned." A guy shouted at me. Then I felt a pair of hands slowly lifting me up and dragged me to the corner.

"Come with me." She said.
"Wait who are you?" I questioned but she didn't answer.
"Please, I've had enough. Please don't hurt me." I pleaded with my voice trembling.
"I won't hurt you Jade, I promise." She said then she turned around and I realized it was that girl who bumped me during PE.
"I live next door." She explained.
"My name's Gigi by the way."

In love with a Nerd (Jerrie Thirlwards) Little MixOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant