Stuck at Home with Polyjuice

Start from the beginning

"We have to make a plan," He said rustling about his classroom, grabbing different things and stacking them on top of each other. Soon, there came to be a large stack of different supplies in his arms. Unfortunately, the bell for first classes rang and students started shuffling in. The professor shared a glance with Phoenix and gestured for her to wait in the corner.

The professor set everything down on his desk and addressed the class, now that they were all in the room. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Due to recent matters, I'm excusing everyone in this class. You have a free class period, spend it wisely, and spend it elsewhere. Dismissed!" The students cheered and bustled out of the classroom, leaving the two Slytherin members in the classroom with nothing but a few owls to keep them company.

Once all the students were out of the classroom, the professor started moving again. He took some parchment on his desk and a quill and started writing down different things; pulling out maps and books, taking notes and building a plan.

He would mutter to himself and tell Phoenix to grab something for him as he kept devising a plan. Phoenix offered helpful input and grabbed another quill to help Professor Snape build on his thoughts, and connecting the dots when he couldn't think of how it all tied in.

In Snape's potion ingredient storage - which no student was allowed into unless they had permission from Snape himself - were a few things needed for their plan. "-Dragon Scales, Phoenix Tears, Boggart Blood, Pickled Forest Moss, Mermaid Saliva and Holly Stem would-"

"-Would make the counter effect ten maybe even twelve times stronger than it already is!" Phoenix beamed.

Snape nodded and smiled. "Yes! Exactly!" He gave Phoenix a high-five and circled something on the map. "Now what we would need to do is place the gargoyles...Here...and also here."

"Okay, but wouldn't he see those right when he walks up?"

"Yes, we want that to happen. He needs to see them because, if he doesn't, he'll think something is wrong more than it already is." Professor Snape explained.

Phoenix nodded in understanding and pointed at a small shack by the lake and circled it, "What about here? We could-"

"-Not really," The professor interrupted and brought Phoenix' attention to a different point on the map. "What we would need to do is have the counter initiated here."

"But that doesn't make sense," Phoenix argued. "Mermaid Tail has to be close to water for it to actually be put into full effect and where you're having the counter go is at lest 500 meters away."

The professor cringed in realization, "Blast, you're right."

"If you really want it to be over there, we could replace the Mermaid Tail with Dragon Egg Root." Phoenix suggested.

"Dragon Egg Root is less effective on those who haven't been near a dragon." He replied, shaking his head.

Then, Phoenix came up with an idea, "What if I took you to see one?" Snape thought about it for a second but in the end, shook his head.

"We'll keep the Mermaid Tail and have the counter initiated at the shack. It's away from the campus but would provide with a quick escape in the end." Snape decided. Phoenix nodded in agreement and they put the finishing touches on the plan before looking up at each other and sighing, knowing they had done a good job. "Now remember," Professor Snape said, his face now stern and serious, "no one can know about this. Not even Dumbledore."

Phoenix nodded in agreement and smiled. The professor smiled in return and rolled up the plan and putting a spell on it so that no one could see it. "Good job today Phoenix," Professor Snape said. Phoenix bowed her head in response and looked up to see that it was almost dark outside. Professor Snape had cancelled all of the Dark Arts classes for the day so they could work on their plan.

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