"This might sound a little crazy, but we don't have any physical evidence of being in danger. I just, felt something." He sits down across from us and looks at Chloe.

"You just, felt something?" I know David's just trying to help, but he's being kind of intimidating.

"She just had this notion that something bad was going to happen to us." I say.

"Yeah, I had this nauseating feeling. I also felt like I was being stabbed or something, and I felt super anxious. It's hard to explain."

"Are you doing drugs again?" He asks.

"No! No weed or anything. This a genuine feeling I had."

"Maybe you're feeling scared and anxious because of that storm. You two should unwind and relax-without the use of drugs." He puts emphasis on the word without.

"We already did that. We had fun, but that was really it." I think a lot more happened than just some fun, but it's best if she didn't know that.

"Chloe I don't know what else to do. The police here can't help you if you don't have any actual evidence of being in danger. You don't really have anything to go on."

"We don't know what to do either! That's why we're here!" Chloe says with a but of attitude.

"Chloe, don't start, ok?" He says. Oh geez, I should probably defuse this situation before anything else happens.

"Start what? I didn't do anything, just like these fucking pigs here, including you. You army pigs are even worse than the blue pigs!" David visibly looks angry.

"Don't you dare disrespect the police, or the military! We protect-."

"My parents house! We could stay there!" I interrupt David. They both turn to me.

"What?" Chloe asks.

"My parents. I'm sure they'll let us stay with them. Plus it's in a completely different state, so any danger here couldn't possibly find is there."

"Anything can happen anywhere, you should always be alert." David says. "But that doesn't sound like a bad idea. It would be a lot better than you two going off and dickin' around on your own." I could think if a million other words better than dickin'.

"You sure your parents will let me stay? I don't know if they'll like the new me." Chloe says.

"They love you Chloe. They might not recognize you, but that doesn't mean they won't like you anymore."

"Where do they live?" David asks.

"Seattle. In a nice little neighborhood. Pretty old fashioned."

"That sounds like the safest option for you two. You'll have food, water, and a place to sleep." We have the truck to sleep, and we can always buy food and water. David doesn't know about that five thousand we have.

"Yeah. I would call them, but my phone's dead." I say.

"Why don't you just use the phone here? It's out in the waiting area." I get up and go out into the waiting area. The guy with the handlebar mustache behind the counter, who I'm assuming is Chuck, just stares at me with his eyes squinted. Jesus dude, calm down. It's over. I grab the phone on the counter and dial the home phone number. It doesn't ring for that long.

"Hello?" A familiar female voice asks.

"Mom? Is that you?" I knew it was her, but I haven't talked to her in forever.

"Max! Are you ok? Where are you?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm here in a police station with Chloe."

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?" She asks.

"It's dead. I've had a really busy week, I didn't get around to charging it."

"At least you're safe." She says.

"Yeah. So, Chloe and I were thinking about coming up to stay with you."

"That's just what your father and I were thinking you should do. Get up here as soon as possib-" the phone cuts out and the lights turn off.

"Oh damnent. The power must've went off again." Chuck walks into another room. That's weird. I wonder if it has something to do with the storm. I walk back over to the interrogation room and see David and Chloe talking, now in the dark. I open the door.

"They're on board with it. They want us there asap. So, should we get going?" I ask. Chloe gets up and looks at David.

"I'll come back here and visit. Then we can visit mom back in Arcadia." He nods.

"Stay safe you two, and be careful." We wave and walk outside. Chloe unlocks the truck and we get in.

"So, ready for Seattle?" I ask.

"Yeah. Time to see what it was you were leaving me for." She turns the truck on and drives onto the road.
Go to Chapter 37

Afterwards: A Life Is Strange Fan-Fiction <A Choice Story>Where stories live. Discover now