Chapter Nineteen || Betrayer Betrays Those He Betrayed For

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i sincerely apologize in advance for forgetting about yunan and ja'far for pretty much the whole chapter! ;-;

also, i have storm mention mephisto being strange and probably possessing some ancient power that caused the year to go by very, very unnaturally fast. for those of you who don't know-

wait, you know what?

all will be revealed in the last book.

i have great plans that won't change.

and for those that do know what i may or may not have been on about, please refrain from covering the comments section in spoilers about it~


While we were talking, there was a knock on the door.

Well, more like a banging on the door.

"Y/N! Jeshire! Please!"


I got up and ran to the door, throwing it open, to reveal a panicked Storm. He rushed in and I closed the door, taking in from his appearance and actions that I should be quick and alert.

"Sotrm?" Jeshire asked, Ja'far and Yunan staying quiet.

"It's Mephisto. Mephisto... and Matt... and.. you're right... we are in comas, we've all been in some accident-"

Loud footsteps could be heard in the hallway beyond the door and I leaned against it, just as a precaution. I knew I'd done right when I saw Storm's worried smile.

And when someone started throwing themselves against the door.

"Mephisto sent Matt after me... I'm sorry for causing trouble."

"It's okay!" Jeshire said, in a voice that made it seem like she was telling him, kindly, to hurry the fuck up.

"But anyway! We're in comas, and the disappearances are only happening because they're waking up. I don't know if we can stop it, or if we can get out any other way."

"Thank you Storm-"

I fell forward onto the floor as the door flung open. I clumsily got up, stumbling to stand beside Storm, hand over my pained cheek,m the one I had landed on.


"Matt, you can't do anything, I already told them."

"I guess now I'll have to kill you all, then."

He stepped inside, and I tensed up. No one but him moved.

It was a mistake, especially on my part.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me towards him, a dark glint in his eyes.

"I'll start with this little girl."

A knife previously hidden was now pressed against my neck.

"Oh yeah, little miss, if you die here, you don't wake up."

My eyes widened, and I looked over at my friends.

Applying was a bad mistake.

Everyone's eyes were full of fear, yet Jeshire frowned at me.

The others said they would catch me, but my brother stepped forward and frowned up at me.



"Be brave."

"You got yourself in this mess, you'll get yourself out."

I moved my head ever so slightly, and bit the hand that held the knife. He yelled out in pain and dropped it.

I ducked down and caught it, taking a few quick steps to get back to where I had been beside Storm. I gripped the knife, and pointed it towards Matt.

"Little lord, if you die here, you don't wake up."

His eyes filled with rage and his face contorted into an insane grin.

"Oh, I won't die. You can;t hurt me, I have Mephisto's blessing on my side-"

He soon shut up when Jeshire kicked me to the floor.

"Mephisto's blessing? Yeah, right. You're acting like he's a fucking god. That's fucking messed up."

"He... is... he created... this world..."

"He's not. Now shut up."

He did.

"So, he's powerless without his knife?" I laughed.

"Seems like it. He's a big wuss." Storm said, grinning. "Mephisto won't come after us, I'm sure."

"How so?" Jeshire asked, coming to join our conversation.

"He'll wait. If he wanted you all gone, you'd be gone by now, no offense."

I turned to Yunan and Ja'far (who seemed to be frozen with a mix of emotions) and smiled.

"Hear that? We'll be safe until the mystery's climax." I joked.

"So what do we do now? Storm's told us what's happening-"

"May all students please assemble in the courtyard? This first year at LSOA is about to end."

"Hey, was that an intercom? I didn't know we had these!" I exclaimed, laughing a little at the end.

"Just me that's wondering why the year only took a week or two?" Ja'far asked, after finally coming back to his senses.

"No, not just you." Yunan added.

Storm shrugged. "Mephisto's strange, it's probably an unknown power of his. A year has passed, but only a week or two for us."

"Let's go, then?" Jeshire suggested.

I smiled.

"I think it's about time we do as we're told."

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