Chapter Six || Sebastian

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A/N: I time skipped to the first day of school, okay? I wasn't writing filler stuff until I got there... xD

Also.. the lesson in this chapter was mostly inspired by how my day was going when I wrote this xD We had a dance lesson, sadly the teacher wasn't Sebastian, and no, there weren't any anime characters there, but at the point where Kat jumped onto Jeshire's back.. that was actually inspired by something that happened at the end of the lesson. My friend, Chantelle, (who was the inspiration for Kat) jumped on to the back of my other friend, Jess, (the inspiration for Jeshire, explains why Jeshire's real name is Jess xD) expecting a piggy back, then... well, when you read it, you'll know what happened.

No one said what Sebastian said though, we were at the back like a bunch of loners. Jess (I actually put Jeshire there first) suggested the line when we got back to the changing rooms xD

And when the reader is confused as to who Jess is... that happens with me xD Some of the teachers call Jess Jessica (her full name, duh) and I just look at her for a second and wonder who the hell Jessica is xD

Today, we had to get up early. It was- finally, after about a week of lazing around in the apartment, not being allowed out for the school- the first day of school. We'd all made the mistake- other than Lola and Kat (I had learned that was her name after a week of being around her)- of staying up later than we should have.

We were now running late.

Lola and Kat were already at school, and it was halfway through the half an hour free period we got at the start of the day, before school. Ideally, we should be in the main building before said free period is over.

Well... that wasn't going to happen, was it?

Yuri was moaning a lot about school while he went around trying to be ready on time- Jeshire didn't even seem to care we were late, and honestly I was the one rushing them both around the apartment trying to be ready.

But I'll skip all that drama. I'm sure, at least once in your life, you've been late for school. Or just anything in general.

So I'll skip to the happy run all the way to our first class.

The bell had just rang, and all three of us, in fucking sonic mode here, were trying to get to our class- dance- at an at least reasonable time.

We ended up five minutes late, but we weren't the only ones. It was the first day, so I guess it was reasonable for us to be late.

So... first dance lesson of the year, and first lesson in all. At least my friends are in it with me.

I really don't want to be that one awkward student who has no dance partner and has to work with the teacher.

The truth is, as I've already told Jeshire, I hate dancing. It's embarrassing, especially when you're performing in front of people. I just decided to pick it for a change.

"Right, now that we're all here, you need to get into pairs for today's dance."

I noticed he had a sort of posh-ish voice as I looked around for a partner. Jeshire had run off to be with this white haired boy. Kat was with some short boy who didn't even look old enough to be at this school. He looked mad about this whole thing. Yuri was with some tall, pink haired girl. He didn't look particularly ecstatic about it, either.

Everyone else was partnered up.

Oh god.

I turned to the teacher, a tall man, quite pale, with red eyes and black hair. He smiled at me, but I found it less comforting than it was probably supposed to be.

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