Chapter Eleven || The Host Club

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in the first paragraph i mention that jeshire and y/n have demonology homework to sum up what a coal tar is. if any of you are actually wondering what one is, they're the lowest level demon who don't really do anything, and are everywhere when you get marked by a demon.

if any of you are wondering what being marked by a demon means, basically, in the blue exorcist world, it means you are able to see all different types of demons.

like coal tars.

lesson over.

oh yeah, and you may also encounter the 'brogan hairflip' in the story. basically there's this boy called brogan in my classes, he does pretty good hairflips. and the person jeshire is based on, jess, had her hair cut so it's a boyish length, so we both settled on having jeshire attempt a brogan hairflip.

Me and Jeshire left the demonology class together- Storm had left earlier to get to the library and catch up with some homework, and Rin was still in the classroom with Yukio. We walked outside together and sat at one of the benches in the courtyard. It was a nice day today, so we'd decided, through passing notes in class that also included pleads for Storm to keep quiet about it, that we should sit outside for a bit and do any homework we got- which, unfortunately, we did. Yukio had given us all a textbook before we left, and we just had to sum up what a coal tar was, and write a summary of each Meister- like what their weapon range is and what they do. I'm not really gonna go into detail about that. Homework is boring.

We got about ten minutes into our homework when Storm appeared- looking a bit distressed, to say the least. I looked up from my paragraph on how coal tars actually look like some demon cat that's tiny and flies.

"Huh, Storm? What's up?"

"I got confident and decided to join a club... what have I done?"

Jeshire smiled. "Honestly, it depends on what club it is-"

"The Host Club."

"Hot Club..?"

"Yeah. A club of boys that spend their free time entertaining the girls that have too much free time..."

We laughed together. "Oh, that club!"

"H-Hey! It isn't funny!"

We calmed down and then Jeshire spoke beside me, our homework long forgotten.

"Can you take us there? It sounds interesting."

"Honestly, I don't think you'd like it, everyone there is way too dramatic."

Jeshire attempted a sassy Brogan Hairflip, and spoke again. "Who says I don't like dramatic people? I enjoy your company, you know!"

It took a moment for Storm to understand, but I was smirking immediately and calling out shots fired.

When Storm (finally) understood, he smiled and hit her playfully in the shoulder. "I'm not dramatic, Jeshire, stop lying to yourself."

I smiled. "Anyway Storm, please take us to see the club!"

After about a minute of consideration, Storm sighed. "Fine."

He waited while me and Jeshire packed our demonology homework away, and then led us into the main building, to a music room that was unused. He opened the door, and there in the middle of the room was a group of boys.

"Welc- ah, it's just you Storm... who are the girls with you?"

"Ah, um, they're my friends... I told them about me joining so they wanted to meet you."

"Why's one of them so short?"

I stifled a laugh at his comment. It was said by an orangey brown haired boy, who was stood beside someone who was nearly exactly identical to him.

Jeshire seemed to be a little angered by it, though.

"I'm not that short!"

The twins laughed, and I could tell they were most likely real trouble makers.

That was when a (tol) blonde boy came up to me and took hold of my hand.

"Hello beautiful lady, I hope you enjoy the company of the Host Club!"

He looked up at Storm, having only just noticed that he was still standing with us.

"Oh, hi Storm."

I had been blushing, but now I giggled.

"Don't encourage him, Y/N!"

We laughed together, and then the boy spoke.

"So if you came here to meet the Host Club, would you like to see the rest of us? I'm Tamaki, by the way. I don't believe I had introduced myself before."

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, Tamaki. And I'm Y/N."

Jeshire turned to me and Tamaki, away from the boy she now seemed to be mortal enemies with.

Note to self- don't call Jeshire short. Ever.

"I'm Jeshire. Totally haven't been listening to your conversation, just decided to coincidentally introduce myself when you two did."

Tamaki smiled. "Totally not at all. Well anyway, I'll introduce you to the rest of the Host Club."

Including Tamaki and Storm, there were eight members of the Host Club. There were the twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, the trouble makers of the club. The smart ones- not saying they weren't all smart, but these two were more sensible. Other than Mori. He's really hard to figure out. But anyway! The smart ones, Haruhi and Kyoya. And then, last but not least, the boy lolita, Honey, who was coincidentally one of the oldest.

Like Storm had said, they were quite dramatic... Kyoya, Haruhi and Mori seemed to be the most normal.. without counting Storm, but then again he wasn't really normal, considering the whole fox thing that then again made him a whole lot cuter than he already was.

Tamaki treated us like we were guests actually here when the club was open- which it wasn't, which kinda made it awkward seeing as the boys- other than Storm, seeing as we were friends and it was too awkward to act like a host to us- were acting like hosts.

Despite their kindness, I nearly felt blessed when Storm pointed out that they should be accepting customers soon, and we'd have to leave before they did. He also mentioned that he didn't mean to be rude by saying that, though he added that while sounding a little flustered and embarrassed.

The only thing that made me upset about leaving was Honey. He seemed to have grown quite fond of me and Jeshire in the actually quite short time we had been there, and seemed quite upset to see us go. In the end though, he was satisfied with a hug from both of us and promises that we'd come again.

Said promises much to Storm's dismay.

Us going there again meant he'd have to behave as a host towards us both again...

I guess that's the justice of joining something like the Host Club.

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