Chapter Four || Yuri

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It was a nice apartment, quite modern. It reminded me slightly of the small glimpse you get of Viktor's apartment in Yuri on Ice.

Curled up in a black armchair was a girl, reading a book. She had glasses on, and she looked really stuck in her book. She was the only one here, from what I could tell. She looked up when I entered.

"Sorry, did I disturb you?"

She shook her head.

"N-No... it's alright... I was waiting for my r-roomates anyway..."

"Oh. okay. I'm Y/N, by the way."

"I'm L-Lola."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you, Lola. Have you chosen a room yet, or..?"

"N-No, I was going to wait for the o-others first... I did have a look at them though... We have five rooms here, two are sort of animal themeed, focused on cats and leopards... one is.. sorta zen-ish, I guess (refer to chapter picture)... one is sky blue and white... and the other one is all different shades of purple. I really want the blue one..."

"Ah. I'd like one of the cat ones." I smiled, and then sat down in the couch next to the armchair. I had locked the door behind me, and had left my suitcase by a shoerack that currently had nothing on but some sky blue converse. Definitely Lola's shoes.

I took some time to look around my new home as I was sat down.

In front of the couch I was sat on, there was a TV stand, a flat screen TV on it, and a rug in between where I was sat and the stand. It was white. The kitchen was a bit behind the couch, keeping the theme of black and white the rest of the apartment had, except the bedrooms. Behind the TV, there was a table with a set of five chairs/

Five chairs. Five bedrooms. Two armchairs and one three seater couch. So there's five people here?

The door opened and I looked over towards it to see two more people enter the room. A moody looking blonde boy and a girl that looked fairly normal.

Wait, a moody looking blonde boy? A moody looking blonde boy?!

It's Yuri Plisetsky.

I smiled, trying to make it look like I was smiling at both of them instead of just Yuri.


They both looked over at me and I smiled a little more.

"Hi!" The girl said. Yuri gave a sort of moody grunt and came to sit down.

Next to me.

Inner fangirl triggered, I decided to occupy myself with making the list of subjects I wanted.

I took my notebook and subject list out of my pocket and started to read the list.


Ashiya - Cooking

Sebastian - Music/Dance

Yukio - Demonology

Viktor - Ice Skating

Koro-sensei - Combat

L - Detective Work/History

Professor Bitch and Lovro - Assassination

Karasuma - P.E

Quite a short list... not much to choose from, really.

Yuri sat next to me a little awkwardly as I wrote out the subjects I wanted.

Dance / Music



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