Chapter Fourteen || Our Band Of Misfits

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It was like a dream, but it felt so real. I could see myself, as if watching from the eyes of another, playing an a band. Viktor, myself, Yuri and a couple other people whose names were on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't say. Like they were a part of some memory that had been taken from me and ripped to shreds.

A brown haired girl, short and playing the guitar. Then a boy with white hair who was a little taller than the girl. He was playing a guitar too. Viktor played the drums, and I covered the vocals along with Yuri. A backdrop behind us read 'Misfits', in a graffiti like font.

I couldn't hear the song we were playing, hell, I couldn't hear anything.

Until the girl and the boy I couldn't name stopped playing and looked at each other, before turning to look at me.

Not the me that was up on the stage, but the me I was watching as.


Who were they!?

"Y/N! Wake up!"


"Y/N, I swear to god, I will not forgive you if you don't wake up right now!!"


"Y/N, honestly, just get up for gods sake!"

...Yeah, there's no mistaking it.. no none else I know gets that mad.

The view of the stage disappeared, and instead I was looking up at three faces. Yunan, Ja'far, Jeshire.

"W... what happened?"

"Lola disappeared, like Kat and Yurio. You fainted." Ja'far explained briefly, seemingly relived I was still alive.

But immediately, I felt sick. Something I thought would be an enjoyable experience was turning into some eerie, occult stuff.

What Lola had told us about Kat... it didn't even begin to explain to us how terrible it is to be the one that witnessed it.

She had looked at me as if she could see right through me, with a terror stricken eyes, for only a mere second. She had been there, then she was gone.

"What if they..."

"Don't. You don't have to think about it just yet, you should calm down or maybe get some rest." Jeshire said.

"What if they're all dead," I whispered. "What if that's what it is. This is all some elaborate gamble we all have to splurge on, except the money is our lives."


"The only way out.."

"Y/N, just stop already!"

"What if the only way out is to lose."

I was slapped, right on my cheek. It stung, and I raised my hand to touch it.

"Y/N, stop being so depressing! You're making us all feel hopeless, and what's the point in that? You need rest, and if I hear you so much as whisper something as ridiculous as that shit again-"

"Jeshire.." Yunan said, almost like a warning.

She went quiet.

"Okay, now that's behind us, get some sleep." Ja'far said.

I reluctantly mumbled an okay, which seemed enough for them. They left the room without another word- just a small, approving smile from Ja'far, one that looked a little like he was telling me I made the right choice in giving up on the argument.

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