Chapter 28

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Harry turned to Draco, I have a plan. They have Sirius with them. He told him, I hope it'll work. He heard back. Harry plastered on a look that he had worn the day of Cedric's departure. Pure fear and pain. Forcing himself to breath raggedly, he waited for a moment. Voldemort's voice rang out,

"If Harry Potter turns himself in, I will happily release this pureblooded wizard." he gestured to Sirius, in chains.

"He never will." But Harry stepped forward,

"If I let you shoot that curse at me, will you swear on your magic to release him?" Harry asked, Voldemort sneered, but nodded, Harry simply stood there looking down at the floor. Voldemort growled,

"I swear on my magic that once I have cast the curse Sirius Black will be released."

"Harry NO!!!" Sirius cried,

"I have to, I can't do this anymore." He walked down to the front, and kneeled, tears streamed down his face.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" Voldemort cast the spell, and Harry collapsed on the ground. He kept his eyes shut as he heard the clanking of chains and hurried footsteps. His magic had sucked up the curse and kept it from affecting him, and now he lay there still, but alive. "Kill them all." Harry jumped up to his feet.

"You will do no such thing." The death eaters looked at him horrified. Harry let his magic take over. His wings ripped through his robes, he pulled out the sword, and called for the castle's aid. "Et Founders ex arce, succurre! Protegas alumni!" He yelled, The castle shook, and the stone warriors fell from their pedestals, and proceeded to form ranks behind Harry.


"I am Harry Potter, Heir to the Four Founders of Hogwarts and to The House of Emrys. I am the Forest lord of this Forest, and protecter of these students. Surrender or face me!" The founders in his head suddenly spoke.

It looks like you no longer need us to train you. Salazar commented, Goodbye Harry Merlin said, and their presences vanished, but Harry paid it no mind for the moment.

"Never." Voldemort defied. "Kill Him!" But Harry's magic was too strong. In the end his sword cut through Voldemort's chest, and the dark was defeated.

Hey guys... last chapter.  But don't worry there will be an epilogue and Inheritance will be continued as promised. I hope you guys enjoyed my story. Thank you all so much for your support, still waiting for my parents to read in here that I'm gay, but anyway. I love all you guys so much and you guys are amazing. 

C ya


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