Chapter 8

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Harry smiled. He asked Draco telepathically about his schedule. He found that they had similar schedules. He heard Ron groan. He was annoyed, Harry could feel it. He looked at Ron questioningly,

"We have so many classes with the slytherins. What's your schedule like Harry?" Harry handed him the paper.

"Well looks like you have free period when I have Muggle Studies, thank you Hermione, but we all have lunch together, everyday, and free period together on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Harry sent that information to Draco and received a mental thumbs up, and smile, I have free period when you do. Meet in the woods at these points? Draco asked, Sure. On tuesdays and wednesday.

"Come on, it's almost time for potions.

When they arrived, they found the dungeon much brighter than when Snape was there. Professor Slughorn was there.

"Welcome, welcome Mr. Potter." he greeted, as students filed in, they sat down with their friends. Slughorn put an end to that.

"Oh no. I will be assigning seats, the person you sit with will be your partner for all projects and for making potions." he told them, the class groaned, Harry silently prayed to be placed with Draco. Is he your mate? Salazar asked, Harry sent him a nod. "Now let's see, Granger with Parkinson, Weasley with Zabini, Nott with Finnigan, Goyle with Thomas, Potter with Malfoy..." Harry smiled, as the class shifted seats. He and Draco sat at the front, with Ron and Blaise Next to them on Harry's right, and Hermione and Pansy at their left. Harry could clearly see the board. He felt Draco next to him. He looked up at him feigning a pleading look. Draco raised his eyebrow.

"I guess since we will be working together we will have to act civil. I prefer to get good marks, you better agree." Draco told him, Harry sighed and nodded agreeingly. They began to work.

"You go fetch ingredients and I will begin mixing the potion?" Harry nodded,

"Alright, now that you all have seats, we will begin. Today we will be making a potion, the closes wounds, and helps heal the drinker." You should put that in your potion bottle. Harry nodded, He and Draco opened their books and began. Harry fetched ingredients and Draco gave orders and stirred the potion. Harry also helped cut, count, squash and weigh ingredients. He turned to check on his friends. Hermione was reading the instructions and doing a lot of the work, while Pansy did almost just as much, they seemed to have made an agreement to act civil for this class. Ron and Blaise on the other hand, were quietly arguing. Blaise was trying to do the work while Ron tried to get him to accidently cause his cauldron to explode.

"Weasley should really stop trying to annoy Blaise." Harry just nodded in agreement, soon class was over.

"Alright, bottle up you potions, one vial and pour the rest out." Slughorn instructed, Draco filled a vial, and Harry took the cauldron to the sink, and carefully poured it into his potion bottle, Rowena having told him it was perfect.

Next was Care of Magical Creatures. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked down with their class, to Hagrid's hut. Hagrid stood there waiting.

"All righ' is everyone 'ere? Good, let's go." he led them to the edge of the forest. Harry felt the forest pulse a magic over them. They stopped at a clearing.

"All righ' everyone wait 'ere." Hagrid then walked behind a bush, and he brought out a herd of unicorns. The lord of the forest, do you have any commands? Harry heard one say in his mind, Act as if I'm a regular student. Harry told them, the unicorns then looked at the crowd,

"Girls can come forward, boys stay back, Unicorns are shy creatures, but they tolerate girls and women. The group separated, Harry sensed someone nearby, watching him. He turned and looked, and he saw Cedric Diggory, staring at him, the strange look from last night still there. Harry heard a panicked neigh. He turned and saw the unicorn herd. They had begun to rile. Harry sensed a panic. He was confused what was happening. He saw the girls back up afraid. The biggest unicorn of the herd began to run. He was running straight towards a hufflepuff girl. Harry acted on instinct. He sprinted,

"Harry? What are you doing?" Ron exclaimed, Harry ignored him. He rushed between the unicorn and student. He blocked the girl with his own body, and put his hand up in a stop motion. The unicorn, seeing him, stopped. It was sudden. Harry's hand was only an inch away. He bent his elbow, giving a calm down gesture. The unicorn calmed, the herd did as well, watching the two. Harry smiled slightly, the unicorn looked at him. My name is Star. Harry smiled, My name is Harry. 

Hey guys, yes I know early updates, well I think you should know that I will be updating now whenever I can, the schedule was just to keep track of both stories. This way I am also able to get back to Inheritance quicker as well. Now, what do you guys think is up with Cedric, comment your answer and when the chapter comes out, those who guessed correctly will receive a shout-out. 


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