Chapter 25

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Draco smiled at the audience,
"Hey." He greeted,
"Draco, why?" Pansy asked,
"Harry didn't want anyone to know." Draco said simply,
"Why?" Hermione asked,
"Because then you would've asked how I got my inches early, and I hate talking about it." Harry joined them, Draco watched as he took a moment to analyze everyone in the room. Draco saw a flicker of fear course through him. But it soon died.
"How did you get your inheritance?" Remus asked cautiously, "I just need to know if there is something I can do to fix it."
"You can't. What's done is done, no one can change that." Draco wrapped an arm around Harry and held him close. And the group realizing they weren't getting an answer switched topics.
"How did you guys realize you were mates?" Blaise asked, Draco looked at Harry.
"It was after Draco went to Gringotts to discuss his inheritance." Harry began,
"I had to go by myself cause my dad disowned me after he found out I was a light creature." Draco told them,
"And I was hiding in an Alley from the ministry. They were trying to take something from me. It was too important to me and I just couldn't let them, and the whiplash from the day before kept me vulnerable."
"I just left the bank, when I smelled the most amazing scent i have ever smelled, and I followed it, to Harry who was hiding, and the ministry officials appeared, and I could sense Harry's fear."
"It was a blur of white and the ministry officials left. And next thing I knew I was leaning into Draco's chest seeking comfort." Harry finished, the group fell silent,
"What were they trying to take from you?" Ron asked, Harry just curled up into Draco's chest, and tried not to cry. Draco held his mate close.
"It's best not to talk about it." Draco told them, He hoped they didn't connect Kovus to the missing item.
"I'm going to go relay all this to Hagrid. I'll be back." Remus told them, Suddenly Harry whimpered, he was staring at Ron. Draco glared at the red head.
"Whatever emotions you're feeling, turn them off." Draco demanded, Ron simply looked at him in confusion, "Harry is an empath. Any negative emotion scares him." Ron simply frowned,
"I'm not mad at Harry. I'm mad at whoever hurt him. He's my best friend." Ron explained, Harry seemed to relax.

The next day the Daily Profit was delivered.


That's right readers, Harry Potter was abused. After hearing reports of Mr. Potter's strange increase in power, I decided to hang around Hogwarts for more information, and what important information it was. The evening feast was taking place when suddenly Harry Potter burst into the hall, with bandages around his wrists and silently crying. The pain he radiated was unreal. He rushed to the balcony. After his friends tried to get him back to the infirmary, Mr. Potter proclaimed to have seen Sirius Black alive in a death eater's cell. He then pushed himself onto the balcony intending to jump, when none-other than Draco Malfoy convinced him to step away from the balcony. The broken boy then rushed into Mr. Malfoy's arms as he sobbed, begging the blonde not to leave him. It wasn't even a moment before the blonde stood up and attacked a student named Cedric Diggory screaming "how dare you." The strange part about this was when white wings, wolf ears and tail appeared as he raged at the seventh year. At this point it became obvious the two were creature mates, though not fully bonded. The scene ended with Harry Potter showing his own creature side. Black scaled dragon wings and a black spear tail, along with small horns. Mr. Potter banished the seventh year from the forest he had claimed, and before he and his mate flew into the night, he simply looked at the crowd of dumbfounded students and said,
"My aunt, uncle and cousin did this to me."

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