Chapter 13

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"Today we will be learning about getting the inheritance." He droned, "to go through an inheritance, the wizard must have magic, squibs do not get inheritances, neither do muggles. If descended from a squib who would've had an inheritance, you will most likely receive one. Every creature has a mate, sometimes more than one. They are usually identified through a strong protectiveness, need to calm, please and also a strong scent not unlike amortentia." Draco listened and took notes, as he listened to his godfather. "Now for homework, you are each to write an essay, about a creature randomly assigned to you. The essay must be thirteen inches long. He flicked his wand and slips of paper were handed out. Draco looked down at his. Veelas Draco chuckled. He heard Harry in his mind. I got Dragon. You? He asked, Veela. Class dismissed.

Later in the lunch room, he sat at the Slytherin table, Pansy, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe and Goyle sat around him.

"What do you think is up with Potter? Snape hadn't even given him detention for missing class." Blaise remarked, Draco just shrugged, he picked up a tong and spooned some pasta into his bowl.

"He can't even talk. And did you hear about the unicorn incident?" Pansy asked, "What do you think is up with him?" Theo shrugged,

"Maybe he is training to take on the dark lord." he suggested,

"That doesn't explain why he hasn't said a word since he arrived. I'm not joking. He literally hasn't spoken at all since the beginning of the year." Blaise told him,

"Maybe he's mute." Pansy thought, Draco scoffed, trying to dismiss the theory,

"Why would he be mute? He has the perfect life doesn't he?" He drawled,

"Have you ever asked him about his life?" Pansy asked, Yeah


"Well there you go. He could very well be mute." Draco hadn't realized that other Slytherins had been listening in.

"Mute? Do you think he's mute?" A seventh year asked his friend,

"Maybe. Let's go ask." Draco almost stood up to stop them, but stopped himself. Harry didn't want anyone to know. No one. He watched as the two older boys walked over to Harry and his friends. And very loudly they asked,

"Hey! Potter!" Said boy turned and looked at them, his friends glared and tried to get them to leave, "is it true you've gone mute?" Harry froze. Draco felt fear and panic build within him,

"No of course he's not mute." Hermione protested,

"I'll believe that when Potter says it out loud." Draco watched as Harry opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, but no sound would come out. He watched tears fill his eyes. Draco felt fear and panic take control of him slowly. He began to shake.

"Leave him alone." Neville demanded, by now the entire hall was watching. Draco wanted nothing more than to force those boys into a wall and wrap his submissive up in his wings, and shield him from everything. He watched as Harry stood up and sprinted from the hall. He watched as all the Slytherins laughed at his mate. He frowned as Harry's friends rushed to find him. He felt his mate's fear as he rushed away from the scene. Draco stood and ran as the need to comfort his mate took control.

He rushed through the trees, to find Harry sobbing in a clearing. He sat down, and wrapped his mate up in his wings, and held the smaller boy in his lap and against his chest as he cried in fear and panic. He heard voices. His friends weren't far.

"Harry, do you wanna go with your friends? Or do you wanna go back to the cave again?" He felt Harry squeeze his hand, that he hadn't realized had grabbed. He picked up the boy, and unwrapped his wings, and flew him to the cave.

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