Chapter 14

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Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Hagrid, McGonagall and a few members of the DA walked through the forest.

"HARRY!" Ron called, Ginny sighed, her brother was just going to scare him away, Harry doesn't want to be found. They have to tread quietly to find him.

"Ron. Shut up. You're just going to scare him even more!" Hermione hissed, Luna nodded dreamily. Ron scowled, but shut his mouth. Suddenly Ginny heard something. Was that crying? She frowned and walked towards the sound, careful not to make too much noise.

"Do you t'ink he's al righ'?" he asked Hagrid,

"I'm not sure Hagrid, but we'll find him." McGonagall replied, Ginny heard the others sigh in affirmation, and determination. She continued her slow search. The sound was getting louder. It was crying, she quickly sushed the others,

"What is it Ms. Weasley?" McGonagall asked,

"I think I hear him." she whispered, Ginny continued, until she heard a voice, she couldn't make out what it was saying, she was standing behind a bush. She moved a branch to see two people, she couldn't tell who it was in time, as one suddenly grew white wings, and carrying the other, took off into the air, and flew off to somewhere. She sighed,

"There was someone there, but I didn't get a good look, before one grew wings and they flew away." she told them,

"Couldn't have been Harry, it sounds like that was a veela. Harry is only sixteen." Hermione informed, the group nodded sullenly and they continued the search.

They continued the search. Luna huffed. What could've caused this? Not nargles, or wrackspurts. Suddenly an image overwhelmed her.

She saw, Harry lying on the floor. Looking around, Luna saw they were in a boy's lavatory. She stepped over to Harry, he had tears streaks down his face, and his wrists were cut. Blood pooled on the floor around him, staining his robes and the floor red. Luna felt her heart shatter. She felt tears well up in her eyes. She suddenly heard footsteps. Ron and Hermione entered the lavatory. They noticed Harry. Ron rushed over to his friend. Hermione screamed. The scene went white. Luna collapsed on the dirt and grass underneath her. She screamed, a heart shattering scream. Heartbroken sobs leaving her mouth. She felt someone wrap their arms around her. She looked up, and saw Neville holding her, she sobbed into his chest.

"Luna? What happened?" She heard Hermione ask hurriedly,

"I don't know. She just collapsed and began to cry." Neville responded, Luna tried to speak, but it came out as a choked sob.

"The dragon shall be attacked at the school of magic.

Despair shall overwhelm him, and he will try to take his own life.

The heir shall be used and beaten, only fear, pain, sadness and anger will remain.

The dragon shall be saved, only to have it's hatchling taken,

and the heir will try to take his own life again." Luna managed to force out. Luna srank and continued to sob. She sensed the confusion and worry fill the others, to her it was perfectly clear.

"What do you mean Ms. Lovegood?" McGonagall asked, Luna just shook her head. The rules don't allow her to make it understandable. She could only repeat the prophecy.

"Luna can you say it again?" Hermione asked, Luna nodded, and steeling her emotions and nerves. She sat up and relayed the prophecy again.

"The dragon shall be attacked at the school of magic.

Despair shall overwhelm him, and he will try to take his own life.

The heir shall be used and beaten, only fear, pain, sadness and anger will remain.

The dragon shall be saved, only to have it's hatchling taken,

and the heir will try to take his own life again." Hermione gasped,

"You're a seer." Luna nodded,

"We must get back to the castle. Mr. Potter may have returned." Professor McGonagall instructed,

"I can keep searchin'." Hagrid offered, McGonagall nodded, and she led the way back to the castle, the students following her. Luna with Neville's arm wrapped around her.

"What do you think it means? The prophecy." Ginny wondered aloud, Hermione sighed,

"Nothing good if it made her react like that. Someone might die."

"Who do you think it is?" Ron asked, Ginny shrugged,

"Seers have rules, universal laws. She isn't allowed to clarify. Only repeat the prophecy." Hermione explained, Ginny nodded in assent. Who are the Dragon and Heir?

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