Chapter 19

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Harry stood outside the Weasley's home. Just outside the fenced yard. He was about to step onto the property when the door flew open.
"Harry!" Remus exclaimed, Harry sensed his relief. The man rushed over to him, and all but tackled him in a hug. Harry hugged back with equal force, he felt tears leave his eyes. The man simply pulled him closer and placed his hand in Harry's hair, running his fingers through the raven locks. The fatherly gesture made Harry smile,
"I- I'm sorry." Harry chocked out, Harry felt a surge of relief and love go through his godfather, and Harry allowed a couple tears more, to fall.
"It's alright cub, it's alright."
"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed at the door, more footsteps and the Weasleys all stood at the door, and rushed to hug him. Harry allowed this, although confusion at the lack of anger did exist.
"I'm sorry." Harry sobbed, he felt smiles form on his friends' lips. Soon they returned inside.

Draco sat with Kovus. Kovus began to cry.
"What's wrong Ko?" Draco asked, Kovus continued to cry, Draco pulled the boy into a hug,
"Papa, when's Daddy coming home?" Draco froze, then smiled, his heart seemed to grow twice it's size.
"Daddy will be home soon." Vous buried himself in Draco's shoulder,
"I love you Papa."

Later Draco sat in the castle Pansy and Blaise next to him.
"Draco, can I ask you something?" Pansy asked, Draco shrugged in reply,

"What's up between you and Potter?" Draco spluttered on his pumpkin juice, spitting it out onto the table.


"It's just, you don't go after him anymore. It's as if you were civilized." She demanded, Draco sighed,

"Maybe I just don't want to go after him." He suggested, in a fake obviously voice.

"Yeah. Right." she responded flatly. Then students began piling in from winter break, he saw Harry who seemed to be no longer frowning. But as eyes turned to him that changed. Draco just wished he could snarl at anyone who looks at him for too long and make them turn away. Draco had no idea what was going to happen soon. And it would be too late when he found out.

Sorry it was short but I was starting to get just the tiniest bit bored so I decided to speed things along. 

WARNING: Next chapter will contain extreme R rated content including assault and attempted suicide.

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