"Max? You zoned out again dude." She shakes my shoulder a little bit. I guess I did. I have a tendency to do that in the most random times. I don't know what I do it, I just do. It's easy to get caught up in your thoughts. I guess that's why I didn't warn anyone about the storm. I was just too caught up in-. "Max, what the hell?" She shakes me even harder. Oh shit, I did it again.

"Sorry Chloe." I say quietly.

"It's alright. Now go talk to her already!" I nod and walk up to the counter.

"Hi, what do you need?" The woman asks warmly.

"We're looking for books about the Butterfly Effect."

"That's some interesting stuff there. I've got a few books here you might be interested in, let me go get those." She walks away. I turn to Chloe, who's reading a kids book with a bear on the front. I walk over to her.

"Did you know, that bears have two layers of fur? And bears are pretty fucking smart too: they are known to roll rocks into bear traps to set them off, then go eat the food in peace. Bears are cooler than I thought." At least we've learned something today. That's better than nothing.

"Take a look at these, and let me know if you need anything else!" She says cheerfully. She hands me four books and walks away.

"She seems too happy, maybe she's on something. Did she smell like weed?" Chloe asks.

"No, she's probably just an upbeat person." I remember when Chloe was like that. Now she's just more reclusive and pessimistic than anything. I start to wobble a little.

"Maybe I should lighten the load for you." She grabs two of the books and holds them like a schoolgirl would, even though she hasn't been to school in a while. We walk over to an empty table and sit down, placing the books in front of us. "Fuck Max, this looks like it'll be a lot of work." It probably will be, but to get the answers we need we'll have to do it. I take one of the books and look at it.

The Butterfly Effect Summed Up

Alright, this looks good. I turn the book to the first page.

The Butterfly Effect:
A tiny butterfly flapping its wings today may lead to a devastating hurricane weeks from now

Holy shit, that basically sums up what just happened in Arcadia Bay. It is called The Butterfly Effect Summed Up, but that's still pretty eerie.

"Oh damnent, why do I have to read this one?" Chloe complains. She holds up a large book.

The History of The Butterfly Effect and Why It's Important

"Just skim through it." I say. "We're just looking for important details on the basics of The Butterfly Effect. I may have already found that. She flips through the pages quickly, skimming through the whole book.

"One tiny thing happening can lead to a large and devastating chain of reactions." We already knew that. I nod.

"That's basically what mine says too. I have a feeling that's what all of them say." She sighs.

"Well, we know what it is, but we still don't know what's going to happen." I don't know. I thought that The Butterfly Effect already happened, but maybe it can happen again. "This was a bust, let's just go Max."

"No, stay here. I've got an idea." I wander if the library has any more books on The Butterfly Effect we could read. I walk over to the counter, and see the woman grinning cheekily. "Hi again, do you have any more books on The Butterfly Effect?" She looks on her computer.

"There is one more, but it only mentions The Butterfly Effect a little bit. The rest is Native American folklore."

"Could we take a look at that one?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Someone checked it out a few days ago. A strange boy, he kept talking about strange weather and bad things happening. He told me if anyone had any information on it, they would find him here at five o'clock." That's in a few hours. Maybe we could meet him.

"Alright. Thank you." I walk back over to Chloe. "We should stay here until five." I say.

"Umm, why?" She asks.

"There's someone we can talk to about all of this. He'll be here at five."

"I really don't want to stay here until five Max. Let's just go, I mean we can't even trust this guy anyways. We don't know him." That's fair.

If you stay here until five o'clock, go to Chapter 31
If you leave now, go to Chapter 32

Afterwards: A Life Is Strange Fan-Fiction <A Choice Story>Where stories live. Discover now