Chapter 28

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[Alex's POV]
I slowly opened the door to Dr.Phillip's office, knowing what task I was supposed to do today.
"Hello, Alexander," he smiled, not looking up from the papers on his desk.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, after I had sat down in my usual place.
"I'm okay. So far I haven't had any panic attacks today," I said, watching as he sat back in his chair to focus his attention to me.
"Well that's wonderful. How is John?"
"He's doing well," I said, smiling at the though of the goodbye kiss he gave me when he dropped me off at my therapy session.
He usually parked the car and drew in his sketchbook, one of his favorite things to do. He would draw everything, from landscapes to abstracts. Sometimes he would ask me to model, but I always insisted that I wear my clothes, and he was fine with that. He is honestly the most supportive person ever when it comes to what I'm going through.
"Good, good. Well, you remember your task for today?"
I nodded. I was to watch a full movie on the couch next to John, and yes, we were supposed to snuggle.
I wasn't really scared of today's task, but the tasks have become more and more intimate as I progressed with my therapy, and I knew what was coming up. So far, I can talk a little about it with John. It was supposed to get me comfortable with sex, even though it was just talking about it.
"Okay, well. Today we're going to try a little more exposure therapy. I know, that is the activity you dislike, but I truly believe that is one of the best ways to help you get better," Dr.Phillip said, taking out a notepad and a black pen.
So far, we were able to talk about the events leading up to the incident, but we have never went this far. Before and after. That's all I was comfortable talking about.
"You don't have to talk about this if you aren't ready, we could always go back to the Psychodynamic psychotherapy," he said, the long words rolling off his tongue easily.
I shook my head and mustered a smile, "no, whenever we do exposure therapy, it seems to help a lot."
"Okay..." Dr. Phillip said, jotting something down on his piece of paper.
He would always write different things down, and sometimes he would let me just talk about anything. He said it helped him to track how my brain processes things, and my thought patterns. John asked to see what he wrote down, but he refused to show us.
"Okay, so, why don't we start out with talking about Mr.Lee. Just simple things, like hair color or height."
I nodded and tried to picture him in my mind. I started to feel like my lungs were being squeezed, but I ignored the feeling and gripped the edges of the chair, steadying myself.
"He has black hair, and um, really black eyes. He's tall, taller than John, and he's...really strong." I said, whispering the last part.
I sat uncomfortably in the silence, watching as Dr. Phillip looked at me with a strange expression on his face.
He cleared his throat and smiled, "that was good. You did a nice job."
I nodded and looked down at the floor.
"Okay, why don't you tell me about the other man, Mr. Reynolds."
For the next hour and a half I told Dr. Phillip about the two men that took me, the room I was kept in, the lack of food and water, and how I almost killed myself.
He didn't judge me for any of it, and he said this information would help him continue my plan to wellness. I noticed that for the first time in three weeks, he didn't write anything down on the paper. It was just me and him. And my problems.
I avoided the part about Lee raping me, and Dr. Phillip said that I could talk about that another day, after I became comfortable with sex again.
"Well, that concludes our session, you did very well today Alexander," Dr. Phillip said, shaking my hand.
"Thanks, I'll see you on Wednesday, with John," I said, closing the door behind me.
I felt oddly lighter than usual, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
"John!" I yelled, opening my car door and pecking him on the cheek.
John laughed and closed his sketchbook, throwing into the back seat.
"How did it go, baby?" He asked, waiting for me to buckle my seatbelt.
That was another thing I had gotten better at. I rarely had problems with flashbacks when I slid the belt across my body, and John was able to put his hands on me while I was buckled in.
"Great! We get to watch a movie tonight!" I said, laying my hand on his shoulder.
"Really? What do you want to watch?" He asked, driving out of the parking lot.
"Hmm, maybe...I don't know. You can choose," I laughed.
"How about we watch Beauty and the Beast?" John suggested, "I know you love it."
I laughed and gently smacked him on the shoulder, blushing that he knew I had a thing for Disney movies.
"That sounds great," I smiled, looking out the window as John pulled into the apartment complex. Thankfully, Dr. Phillips office was close to where we lived, making it easy to get to sessions.
"Babe, I get my cast off tomorrow," John said, holding open the door for me.
"Really? Oh, that's great!" I yelled, blushing when someone walked by us.
"Yeah, I can't wait!"
John slowly followed me up the stairs, resting every so often to take a breath.
He had already gotten his wrist cast off about a week ago, and his ribs had finally healed as well, he looked almost completely better, aside from a scar on his forehead that will probably never go away and the cast on his leg.
I smiled at him and unlocked my, correction, our apartment and closed the door after him.
"I'm so glad you're getting better," John sighed, sitting down on the couch.
"Me too, baby."
I sat down next to him on the couch. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and looked at me, making sure I was okay. I smiled back, snuggling up to his chest.
I have to do this for my task. I want to do this. John won't hurt me.
I blocked out my thoughts and enjoyed the warmth of John's chest.
Just then, John's phone ran my and he huffed, standing up and crossing the room to answer it.
"Hello?...what?...he is...oh that's amazing! You have no idea how much this means to me...yes, thank you so much! Okay, bye."
John hung up and smiled at me.
"What?" I asked, standing up.
"Lee's in jail!"

Yay! Also, are any of you artists? I need to put a cover on this story, but I suck at art and I don't really want to just use the same old ones that everyone use for their covers. If you want to do some art for the cover can you private message me? Thanks!

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