Chapter 12

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[John's POV]
I woke up to the sound of excited whispering. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Lafayette, Hercules and Alexander in the corner of the room. When they saw me looking at them they brightened up.
"You're going home today!!!" They screamed.
Lafayette ran over to the lights and flipped them on, causing me to squint and cover my eyes.
Alex and Herc pulled me into a hug and I hissed at the pain.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry John," Herc whispered, pulling away.
"No, no it's fine, um, can I get up?" I asked, trying to get out of Alex's tight embrace.
Alex blushed and moved to the back of the room. I sat up and smiled at the three.
"When do I go home?" I asked, looking around the room for a nurse.
"Angelica has to do a few more tests on you before you leave but then we're on our way," Alex replied, "I'm going to go tell her you're awake."
He slipped out of the room leaving me, Herc and Laf.
"Your hair is a mess," Herc said, his eyes widening when Lafayette slapped his arm.
"What?" he asked defensively.
"John has been in the hospital for seven days, give him some slack," Laf scolded, smiling sheepishly at me.
I laughed at the two. They were totally gay.
Alex returned to the room with Angelica, a wide smile plastered on both of their faces.
"Alrighty, I'm going to need you two to leave the room so I can just do John's final check," she said, gesturing to Lafayette and Hercules.
They nodded and slipped out of the room, closing the door quietly.

(Time Skip brought to you by my lack of writing skills)

"Okay, you're free to go. Here's a packet of information about caring for John's injuries," she said, handing a packet to Alex. 
"Thank you so much," Alex said, shaking Angelica's hand.
She reached over and gave me a hug.
"Good luck," she said, "I hope you get better very soon."
I smiled, "thank you."
She waved and walked out the door. Only a few moments later, Laf and Herc burst through the door.
"Let's go!" Herc yelled, running over to the bed to help me up.
Lafayette grabbed the crutches left in the corner and handed them to me. I rested my armpits on the top and grabbed the handles. Alex rushed to my side and rubbed my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.
"Yeah, let's just...get to the car," I answered, taking a few steps toward the door. 
The three followed closely behind, flipping off people who gave me weird looks. (Me and my friends)
Alex checked out of the hospital and gave a little kid sitting in the waiting room a hug.
"Don't worry, the doctors will take care of you soon and you'll be better very soon," he said, gesturing to the boys leg which had a large cut and a bruise on it.
A woman holding his hand smiled and mouthed a 'thank you' to Alex. He nodded and shook her hand.
What did I do to deserve him?
Alex walked me to his car and helped me into the passenger seat. He laid the crutches across the backseat and buckled me in.
I placed a kiss on his forehead and he blushed. He kissed me quickly and walked around to the drivers seat.
Herc walked up to the window and Alex rolled it down.
"Hey, I'm going to head home, I still need to drive Lafayette to his apartment," he said, gesturing to Laf, who was leaning on Herc's car.
I smiled. It was a miracle those two weren't married yet.
Herc waved and jogged back to his own car.
"Okay," Alex said, "let's get you home."
I nodded and laid my head back onto the seat.
"I'm so tired even though I haven't even done anything for the past seven days," I murmured, closing my eyes.
"Well, you have been healing, so that way you can have sex with me again," Alex said, winking playfully.
I burst out laughing, clutching my side in pain but unable to stop.
"Hey, baby calm down you're hurting yourself," Alex soothed, laying a hand right above my knee.
My laughing died out and I wiped my eyes, teary from my laughter.
"You know," I said, breaking the comfortable silence, "that was a nice thing you did back there, with that kid."
"Well thanks," he said, shrugging, "he looked scared, I didn't want him to feel bad."
I smiled at him.
"I want kids!" I yelled, surprised at my own forwardness.
Alex almost choked, swerving the car slightly.
"John...we aren't even married," Alex said slowly, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Then let's get married," I shrugged, smiling at my immaturity.
"John, we've been dating for less than two weeks," Alex replied calmly.
I chuckled, resting my uninjured hand on his shoulder.
"I love you Alexander Hamilton."
"I love you, too, John Laurens."
"It would be better as John Hamilton," I said, looking at Alexanders face. He was so cute when he was concentrated.  "I suppose it would," he replied, glancing at me before returning his focus to the road.
We drove like that for a few more minutes, me looking at him and him looking at the road.
"Were home," he sang, pulling up to his apartment building.
"Alex, all of my stuff is at my apartment," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt.
"I'll go get it," he replied, "I just need to get you settled in."
I nodded and let him pull me out of my seat. He grabbed my crutches and helped me into them, laying a hand on the small of my back and leading me to the door.
He pulled it open and held it open for me.
"Why thank you, good sir," I said, trying to keep a serious face.
"My pleasure, my lady," he replied.
I blushed at the name and lightly punched his right shoulder. He smiled and stuck his tongue out at me.
We reached the stairs and I huffed. There was no way I would be able to get up these stairs.
"Alex, these stairs are really steep, I don't know how-Alex!" I shrieked as he picked me up bridal style.
I dropped my crutches onto the floor and clutched onto his neck with my un injured hand. He smiled and started up the stairway.
"Why do...these stairs...have so steep," he huffed, leaning against the stair rail once he was halfway up.
I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled back weakly and continued up the stairs, determined to get to his apartment. He was holding me a little too tight and my ribs ached, but I couldn't tell him that and make him feel bad, so I gritted my teeth and clutched onto Alex harder.
When we reached the top of the stairs, Alex laid me down gently and looked back down.
"I'll be right back," he huffed, running back down the stairs to retrieve my crutches.
When he returned he flopped onto the ground and sighed. I picked up the crutches and stood up.
"Alex, lets go, I need to lay down," I whispered, feeling the dull ache in my ribs become a sort of stabbing pain.
He bolted up and quickly helped me through the hallway to his apartment. He unlocked the door and gestured inside.
"Are you okay baby?" he asked, leading me to his bedroom and letting me lay down on his large bed.
"I nodded and spread out, trying to make the pain in my ribs go away. The first thing that I noticed when I walked into his apartment was that it was a lot smaller than mine. His living room and kitchen were two small rooms, separated by a change in flooring. The living room was carpeted and the kitchen had black and white tiles. The bedroom was a separate room with a bathroom connected to it and a small closet in the corner. His bed took up most of the room, and besides a small desk and dresser, didn't have many things in it.
"Hey, Alex?" I asked, looking around.
"Yeah baby?" he mumbled, rummaging through the desk.
"Am I going to sleep on the couch?" I asked slowly, the pain in my ribs subsiding.
"No, could...I was thinking that you would sleep in here," Alex replied, blushing slightly.
I nodded and moved over to the right side of the bed.
"I'm going to get some of your stuff, do you need anything in particular?" he asked, pulling a bag from his closet.
"No, just like clothes and stuff," I mumbled sleepily.
"Alright, babe I'll be right back," Alex said before closing and locking the door.
I sighed and quickly fell into the best sleep I had gotten in a long time.

Heyo, that chapter was pretty long. Anyway, now that they're out of the hospital I have some pretty big stuff planned. Yay!!! Tysm for all of the views, votes and comments!!!!!! Okay bye!!!!

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