Chapter 3 (Smut Warning)

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Alex gazed at John, blushing when he returned his gaze from across the meeting room.
Alex glanced up at George, talking at the front of the room before returning his thoughts to Laurens.
'Ugh, Hamilton snap out of it!" he thought, picking up his pen from the table to continue taking notes.
He returned his thoughts to the meeting, focusing on the issue on the table. (Hahahahaha)

[John's POV]
Damn, Alex is so hot, and cute, and all mine.
I chuckled to myself, watching as Alex picked up his pen.
He furrowed his brow as his eyes never left George, who was talking about helping another company.
I sighed, looking at the blank paper in front of me.
If only Alex and I could be seated next to each other. Fucking Jefferson, forcing George to make seating charts because he argued with whoever he sat next to, except Madison, of course.
I looked up at Alex, feeling a familiar feeling in my crotch as he bit his lip.
Oh fuck. Not here. What kind of person just gets a boner in one of the most important meetings of the year?
I looked back at George, trying to concentrate on work, but all I could think about was the previous night.
'Alex, you feel so good.'
'N-no don't s-stop, right...right there'
I cleared my throat and raised my hand.
George's eyes flicked to my hand extended into the air.
"Yes, Laurens?" He sighed, rubbing his temples.
"Yeah, um, can I...go to the bathroom?"
George looked at me, confusion tinting the edges of his eyes, "yeah, sure, go ahead."
I nodded, slipping out of my chair and leaving the room, shutting the wood doors behind me.
I raced to the bathroom, closing myself into a stall and quickly pulling down my jeans and boxers, my erection springing out.
I sighed, taking it in my right hand and slowly pumping up and down.
I closed my eyes, leaning back and trying to imagine it was Alex pleasuring me, instead of my hand.
To be honest, I had done this before, when I thought Alex didn't like me back and I could only imagine him 'helping me out''. (wink wink)
"Aleeex," I moaned, pumping faster, " feel so good on me Alex!"
I froze as I heard the bathroom door squeak open.
"John," I heard Alex say softly from the other side of the door, "are you okay?"
I relaxed, knowing a stranger hadn't witnessed anything.
"Yeah, I'm...fine."
Alex sighed, knocking softly at the white stall door, "can I come in?"
I stood up and unlocked the stall door. Alex slipped inside closing and locking if behind him.
"John, my beloved," he smirked, looking down at my naked dick, "may I ask why you mentioned my name in your moment there?"
I blushed and looked down at a chipped part of the paint on the stall door.
Alex crouched down so he was on the same level as me, sitting on the toilet seat.
"Hey, its okay, you don't need to feel embarrassed, just...tell me next time so you don't have to..." he trailed off, gesturing to my hand.
I nodded, looking into his eyes.
"C-can me, please? I need to get back to the meeting and I can't go like this."
"Yes, of course."
Alex rocked forward to rest on his knees in front of me. He placed his hands on my thighs and looked up at me before taking my full member in his mouth, bobbing his head up and down, swirling his tongue at the head every time.
I shuddered, tilting my head back and winding my hands through Alex's hair.
I moaned out as Alex hummed on my member.
"Fuck!" I yelled, my eyes shooting open, "that f-felt so g-good!"
Alex continued, only occasionally coming up for air or to lick the slit.
"Alex!" I almost screamed, feeling the familiar knot in my stomach.
Alex thankfully understood me and shoved my dick to the back of his throat. I released into his mouth, him swallowing it all and wiping saliva away  when he looked up at me.
We were both red faced and panting hard. I slouched back against the wall, closing my eyes.
"Better?" Alex asked, pulling my boxers and pants up for me.
I nodded, too tired to say anything.
"John," Alex chucked, "we have to get back to work."
I shot up, frantically looking at my watch for the time.
"Relax, Alex said, placing a hand on my leg, "you were only in here for three minutes before I came in to check on you, and we've only been in here together for five minutes," Alex said, resting his hand on my knee.
"Really only eight minutes?" I asked, smirking, "you give really good blowjobs."
"Technically five minutes if you don't count the time you were helpless without my extensive knowledge of oral sex," Alexander laughed.
I stood up, fixing Alex's hair and straightening my shirt.
"Alright," Alex sighed, "lets get back to that meeting."

Woah okay that took a very long time to write because I wrote the beginning part and then I wasn't sure where I was going with the plot. Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading my story, I honestly am so happy that I'm writing this and that people are actually taking time to read it. Like what?!?!
Also, thank you to Sammy_is_obsessed for all of the kind things they said about my story. They have amazing stories btw if you haven't already checked them out!
Okay one last thing! I want to add a more serious plot soon but idk what to do but in the mean time, feel free to leave suggestions on what you would like to read.
Again, thank you all so much ily guys!!!!

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